Giftedness, Narcissism & Healing

Contrary to the impression gifted literature can often give of a necessarily wise, inherently “good” and morally sensitive profile, gifted people range all the way from “saints to psychopaths”, and can inhabit various expressions of all the spaces in between throughout a lifetime. Understanding narcissism and narcissistic wounding both at the individual and collective level, and how it interacts with but is distinct from giftedness, is essential for understanding gifted development, including gifted mental and relational health, throughout the lifespan. Jennifer Harvey Sallin explores all this and gives resources for further discovery and recovery in the article below.… Read More

Live and Grow Your Gifted Story

When we believe that our gifted biography is not special or flawless enough, when we reject our narrative because we feel we don’t fit, or sublet to someone else’s story to relate and belong, we run the risk of losing connection to ourselves, the ecosystem we’d inherently belong to, and the land we inhabit. For many, the resulting lack of depth and interconnectedness leads into loss of meaning. Fabienne Wydler explores how gifted people can learn to uncover and follow their song of creation by unpacking their narrative.… Read More

Bringing our Giftedness into Therapy: Struggles and Growth for Gifted Therapists & Gifted Clients

Bringing our giftedness to therapy isn’t always easy, both for gifted therapists and gifted clients alike. The shame or fear we feel around our gifted complexity and/or gifted wounds, and the lack of support we’ve had for integrating our giftedness into our lives, show up in ways that dampen our ability to give and receive good gifted-specific therapy. Jennifer Harvey Sallin has written this article to open a collective discussion on the need for us to be able to bring our giftedness into the therapy process, so that our whole gifted self can heal and provide healing to others.… Read More

Productivity, Potential, and Cultural Scripts: Making Room for Our Full Gifted Selves

The focus on productivity is important for certain tasks at certain times, but it’s only one part of a holistic expression of giftedness. If we conflate giftedness with productivity, we lose out on many rich aspects of our gifted selves, such as joy, rest, play, unstructured exploration and purposeless creativity. Trauma, culture and internalized ideologies can prime us toward a dysfunctional relationship with productivity, and thus with our understanding of our true gifted potential. Jennifer Harvey Sallin explores these themes and shares resources for change in this article.… Read More

Sustainable Activism for Gifted People

In our current world where activism for systemic change is calling to more and more of us, how do we gifted people, with our complex minds, sensitive emotions and often very big visions, engage meaningfully without becoming overwhelmed or burned out? Jan Provoost Sallin explores how slowing down offers us a way to engage more meaningfully and sustainably in advocating for and making real change in the world.… Read More

Being Gifted in a Changing World

Much of the gifted adult experience has been terra incognita, and many of us gifted adults have been making decisions and leading our lives using mismatched or partial knowledge of our inner ecosystems as a guide. In this article, Karin Eglinton explores our need to fully map out and integrate our full gifted selves, both for our own thriving and to act with wisdom in our changing world. … Read More

Our Inner Fire of Aliveness – Gifted Expression

Aliveness is a core quality that impacts all dimensions of who we are and how we show up in the world, including how we can access and express our giftedness. In this article, Karin Eglinton explores how we can center and organize ourselves and our giftedness around aliveness as a guiding force; and how we can start to reconnect with it if we have lost connection to that inner fire. … Read More

Ecological Intelligence & Ecological Giftedness

Giftedness comes in many forms, and high ecological intelligence (ecological giftedness) is one of them. How can we develop our own ecological intelligence, recover full access to our ecological giftedness if we have lost touch with it, and recognize and champion the various forms of non-human intelligence (and giftedness) all around us? Join InterGifted’s founding director Jennifer Harvey Sallin as she explores these themes in this article.… Read More

12 Meditations for the Earth

In the restoration of the planet, gifted people have a special role to fulfill. Via our project I Heart Earth, we are exploring ways to do help each of us reconnect to Nature, process our grief, find our voices and take collective action. In this article, you’ll find our first 12 meditations which include education for reawakening your connection with the Earth’s ecosystems and inspiration for taking action. … Read More

Ecological Grief, Compassion & Action

Gifted people all over the world are struggling to feel a sense of optimism and hope regarding the state of the world, specifically the climate emergency. Many of us are finding that, before we can commit to action and contribute our intelligence and gifts to the collective task at hand, we must diligently work through our own ecological grief and trauma. In this article, InterGifted’s founding director Jennifer Harvey Sallin shares her personal journey to healing and provides insight for our own.… Read More

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