About InterGifted

Finding out you are gifted is something that happens at one point in time; understanding exactly what that means for you, meeting other people like you, and finding belonging, adequate support, and encouraging social mirroring as a gifted person is a journey of a lifetime. InterGifted started as a social experiment in 2015, inviting gifted adults to gather all around the world in online community and via gifted-specific coaching, mentoring, and workshops. We have developed into a thriving international community, resource hub and oasis for gifted people everywhere!
Founded & led by gifted adults
Those of us who created InterGifted and who still work hard to support it every day are all gifted, and we know the joys and challenges of being a gifted / twice-exceptional neurominority in a neuromajority world. We know gifted people need direction and insight from someone who gets how the gifted / twice-exceptional mind works. Learn more about what led Jennifer Harvey Sallin to start InterGifted, and about our organization, in her article Growing a Gifted Community. You can learn about her and our leadership at our Meet our Leadership page.
Find gifted community & connection
Belonging is a basic human need for everyone, gifted people included. It allows for the development, expansion and thriving of our social selves. We've created and cultivated a dynamic and heartfelt online community and specialized peer groups of over 900 gifted peers around the world. We connect around gifted self-development and integration, social development and thriving in community. Learn more about our community and read what our members say about belonging with us.
Discover your unique cognitive profile
Getting an IQ score helps you with a number, but it doesn't tell you how you process thoughts, organize your reality, handle your emotions, or best relate to people. We've developed online qualitative assessments based on Jennifer Harvey Sallin's holistic model of intelligence, which help you answer the question not only of whether you're gifted, but if so, how your own unique cognitive profile can serve as a springboard for self-awareness, self-development and holistic personal and professional thriving. It's all personalized to help you better understand yourself and take joyful action that nourishes your particular mind construction, with customized recommendations for ongoing support and personal growth. Learn more at our giftedness assessments page.
Get personalized support - integration coaching & professional mentoring
We have built a collaborative network of coaches who are themselves gifted / twice-exceptional and who are trained specifically to support gifted adults in their giftedness integration, as well as personal, professional and social development, via online sessions. We also offer mentoring for gifted therapists, coaches and other helping professionals and developing leaders. Learn more about our coaching network and services at our gifted coaching page.
Attend online courses, workshops & self-development groups
Our coaches offer online courses, workshops and self-development groups for gifted and 2e adults around gifted-specific leadership, mindfulness, multipotentialite development, writing, neurodivergence integration and more. Participants love being in an attuned gifted-specific learning setting, in the midst of cohorts of all gifted participants! See what we have coming up at courses page and read what our participants say about learning with us.
We're building the field of gifted psychology
Jennifer Harvey Sallin trains gifted psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, social workers, coaches and other support professionals in the field of gifted-specific psychology via her Gifted Psychology 101 and Giftedness Profiling courses. She has trained over 130 professionals in her courses and some of the leading voices and emerging leaders in the gifted and 2e support field are our Gifted Psychology alumni! Read what our participants say about their experience.
Partner projects: Mindfulness & Engagement
InterGifted partners with our coaches to start important projects for gifted self-development and social engagement. We currently have two partner projects: The Gifted Mindfulness Collective, led by Kelly Pryde, is a community of gifted & twice-exceptional peers committed to a gifted-specific mindfulness practice and mindful personal growth and development. I Heart Earth, led by Jennifer Harvey Sallin, educates and supports us in consciously engaging with the complex challenges of our times, most notably the climate and ecological emergencies.
Raising awareness about giftedness in adulthood
Many people falsely believe that giftedness magically disappears after childhood, or that if giftedness does exist, it just makes everything easier for the people who are gifted. We know from our own very personal experience that giftedness does follow us to adulthood, and that it doesn't make everything easier. Our leadership, together with our community, work hard to raise public awareness that giftedness in adulthood exists, and to make others aware of the specific needs of gifted people. We want to cultivate understanding, respect, support and resources for gifted adults. Learn more and help us spread the word by sharing our blog articles, our videos and interviews, our community ebooks and our online presence.
Want to learn more?
Read about our mission, vision, values and check out our latest events.