“I feel like I have access to my mind now and that there are possibilities ahead”
Katherine - UK
“My giftedness assessment clarified so much about myself”
K.B. - Canada
“I’ve found a missing piece that I’ve been searching for”
I was fortunate to have Fabienne guide me at the start of my giftedness discovery journey. I thoroughly enjoyed the 2-hour giftedness assessment where she articulated the intricacies of my thinking and provided deep insight to my experiences. She asked thoughtful questions, listened patiently, and provided a supportive environment where I felt safe. As Fabienne explained my giftedness profile, things from my past and present started making sense. I learned a lot about myself, giftedness, my profile, and female autism in those two hours. After the assessment, Fabienne sent through additional resources, which I am very excited to go through. I also enjoyed the preparatory work that I did prior to the assessment as I had the chance to reflect and organise my thoughts prior to our discussion. There is this huge sense of relief for me after the assessment, as if I’ve found a missing piece that I’ve been searching for. Thank you so much Fabienne!
Ren - New Zealand
“This saved me at least 10 to 20 years of suffering and searching”
My first thought following my assessment session with Jennifer was: “This saved me at least 10 to 20 years of suffering and searching in the quest called ‘who am I? and why do I feel so different?'”. I am extremely thankful for her commitment to help people like us to acknowledge our spark and give us tools to cope and harness the power within us.
Casper - The Netherlands
“I cannot thank you enough for these two hours that changed my perception of life”
Vincent - Quebec
“I finally understand much better how my brain works, why I am the way I am”
The assessment I did with Fabienne was a truly refreshing and transformational “a-ha” experience. The assessment preparation helped me with introspection about who I am, what I’m like, and describe myself and my thoughts without the usual filters I use when engaging with the world around me. Find patterns in my own behavior and thoughts and reflect on how my education and life have contributed to who I have become today with the challenges I experience. The assessment itself was really well prepared by Fabienne and she asked several clarifying questions to help establish the full picture. Her summary at the end fully resonated with me, it was spot on. After 38 years I finally understand much better how my brain works, why I am the way I am. No-one ever described me so accurately as Fabienne and that after only 1 session! Additionally, the assessment gives me the confidence to rethink my career and my purpose in this life. Finally, Fabienne shared resources with me after the assessment, relevant to my profile, as well as clear next steps that she and InterGifted could help me with. Thanks so much Fabienne!
E.B. - Switzerland
“My assessment was a pivotal experience in my gifted development”
My assessment with Jen was a pivotal experience in my gifted development. She mirrored aspects of how my mind works to me, that I had always felt, but could never articulate nor access meaningfully. Thanks to the validation the assessment process offered, and the wealth of data I gained on how to understand my gifted mind, I can now learn how to bring those aspects of my into my life more fully.
During the assessment, Jen guided me through the process with clear information, delivered in an empathic and caring way, so that I felt very safe exploring these previously uncharted aspects of myself. She listened, understood, and responded to my questions and concerns in a way that I felt she really “got” what I was talking about and where I was coming from. She made specific and relevant connections from the information we covered in the assessment to my current life situation, so I could apply the data to my life straight away.
The process after the assessment resulted in a deeper integration of my whole personality at a holistic level: a true sef-development quantum leap whose reach I hadn’t expected. I’m feeling at home in my mind and body in a way I had not experienced before, even with over 15 years of dedicated self-development, and roughly 10 years of trauma healing under my belt.
Thank you Jen, and I hope many more people will continue to benefit from your expertise in this context of unique, deep self-discovery!
Karin - Germany
“Now I feel like I have a manual for myself and a map of where to go”
It’s hard to describe what happened to me when I did my assessment with Jen. It was like a whole split in my life happened, in a good way. I couldn’t believe that she was able to read me and my mind so clearly, and it was hard to hold in my tears of relief throughout our entire session. Perhaps most helpful was that she was not only able to see into my mind and describe it with crystal clarity, but she was able to help me see what I could do concretely in my life to make room for my full flourishing. I had had an IQ test ages before, and it had never helped me understand my mind or what to do with it in my real life. Now I feel like I have a manual for myself and a map of where to go and how to get there.
Claire - Norway
“It’s amazing to not have to hide your true self and not be scared to be ‘too much’ again”
I did both my assessment and orienting session with Fabienne and I must say she was a perfect fit for me. As an autistic woman, her introduction paragraph on the InterGifted page had resonated with me, and I was not disappointed. I really loved the process of preparing the assessment, and even more the assessment itself. Before discovering InterGifted via their Podcast, I was not really aware of the extent of giftedness, outside of the intellect part. Discovering how my existential side was dominant answered so many questions at the same time, I was shocked! It made so much sense! Fabienne is funny, in a good way, she is straight to the point, and it was perfect to keep me connected during the assessment. Talking with her gave me hope because I realized my loneliness was “curable” and she gave me many hints on where and how to look. There are as many ways to bloom as I am willing to explore and embrace them. The assessment is a very organic process, and it’s amazing to not have to hide your true self and not be scared to be “too much” again. It’s now time for me to pursue my healing and blooming journey as a gifted mind.
Emilie - US
“I have tons of new perspectives on myself and the ways I interact with the world”
“Grateful” is the first word that comes up when I think about the assessment I had with Jen. The second one is “mind-blowing”. The third one would be “transformative”. It’s only been a few days and already, I have tons of new perspectives on myself and the ways I interact with the world. I had previously done the WAIS test with a neuropsychologist, did therapy both for my giftedness and other trauma from my childhood, read tons of books, … I thought that I had a fairly good idea of what was going on but wow, was I wrong! I didn’t even know that “existential intelligence” existed! Jen is at the top of her art and words cannot explain how deeply those two hours impacted me positively. She is truly amazing. I would highly recommend the assessment session to anyone who wants to understand themselves better, heal and grow.
Mélanie - Québec
Katie - US
“I felt seen in a way I had rarely been seen in my life”
Right when we started the assessment, Fabienne asked me what I wanted to get out of this session, as I already seemed to know a lot about my giftedness and overexcitabilities. My goal obviously was to learn even more, but much more to get confirmation on my own findings and beliefs about myself. And both I did! Not only did Fabienne confirm that I was gifted and put a whole framework around this. She also showed me steps to go forward from here, and pointed to some additional findings like possible trauma and ASD that explained so much. I have to say that I felt seen in a way I had rarely been seen in my life. I am taking with me a new self-confidence, some ideas for the future on how to proceed and tools to explain and overcome some of the residues of the past. This is huge, Fabienne. Thanks.
Ralph - Switzerland
“This gives me a way forward to realizing my most beautiful self”
I feel like a beautiful gift was given to me yesterday in my giftedness assessment with Jennifer. This new awareness and information is life-changing. The insight into my way of being and experiencing the world is what I have been searching for and gives me a way forward to realizing my most beautiful self. I felt seen!
Nikki - US
“It revealed aspects and nuances of my mind that I had never been able to see on my own”
Kelly - Canada
“My assessment session was a pleasure, a great relief and a wonderful experience”
My assessment session with Luzi was a pleasure, a great relief and a wonderful experience. Wow, how quickly 2 hours can pass. Secretly, I kind of suspected I might be gifted, but I did not expect at all, that within 5 minutes of starting, one of my most agonizing questions would be answered. How could I be gifted, let alone highly gifted, although having failed profoundly at math at school? Deficit-oriented, driven by omnipresent and persistent clichés, keeping me from any kind of evaluation and potential development so far, I must have spent years with compensatory strategies. Now, I took a first insight into the structure of my mind, my thinking style and how it relates to high giftedness, it is time to stop and to start exploring and integrating my different areas of intelligence. Thank you Luzi for being my navigator on this journey. I look forward to it!
Katerina - Switzerland
“The session made me realize that the positive effects of being gifted greatly outweigh the negative ones”
The assessment session with Fabienne was a true eye opener, and after this it feels like things are starting to fall into place. I have read countless self help books, tried yoga and meditation but could never really find the reason as to why I always felt out of place. The session made me realize that the positive effects of being gifted greatly outweigh the negative ones, and that I have the potential to achieve amazing things! Instead of blaming myself for being different I now appreciate seeing the world from a different angle (or rather from different angles) and am eager to continue with further coaching.
Mikael - Switzerland
“It definitely has been a life changing step for myself”
I had myself assessed on giftedness by Jen in February 2021. Since I have a severe history of developmental, existential and gifted trauma I waited to take the assessment until I felt I had resolved sufficient parts of my trauma history. One could state that I also score high on spiritual intelligence. Being aware of that I was wondering if it would be possible to trace that part of my intelligence in an assessment of giftedness. Jen was able to spot that spiritual part of myself, to put words and an image to it, and to blend it into my other parts of intelligence. This was all possible thanks to the compassionate attitude of Jen, thanks to her knowledge, thanks to her own special nature and thanks to her holistic approach on giftedness. Jen puts my own profile as ‘there seems to be some kind of 5% of people within the giftedness spectrum for whom some other kind of assessment is advised. Your profile is one of the 5% of cases’. So if you feel you do not ‘really’ belong to the ‘specific’ giftedness spectrum, I would say that a holistic assessment by Jen could be a very valuable step in discovering your own true nature. It definitely has been a life changing step for myself. Thank you Jen!
Inge - Belgium
“I finally understand the ways in which I am different and that those differences are to be cherished”
K.H. - New Zealand
“I don’t know exactly how it happened, but that two hour assessment transformed me”
Rob - USA
“My session was a vital piece in understanding myself and continuing to unlock the other missing pieces”
I truly enjoyed the assessment with Luzi. For me, it was very helpful to be asked questions that required me to dig more into my embodied experience, and it actually opened a pathway to access more memories and information than I thought possible. I realized that I can connect to my mind, with concentration, and push through the foggy grey layers to reach the more concrete information beneath. Thank you, Luzi, for your time and expertise. My session with you was a vital piece in understanding myself and continuing to unlock the other missing pieces. I look forward to utilizing the suggested resources you included.
Kendra - US
“I can already see a huge shift in my self-perception”
I have dyslexia and always thought I was less smart than others. It always made me feel inferior. When I learned I was highly gifted in my assessment with Jen, it suddenly made sense that while I hadn’t done well at school, I still had a meta-mind. Jen helped me find resources for managing the dyslexia and I can already see a huge shift in my self-perception. I now know that I am smart, and not inferior (although not superior either), and as I learn tricks to better manage the dyslexia, I find I am so much better able to express myself. One of the best things that has happened as a result of the assessment is that I’m no longer ashamed to ask for help and special accommodations for my challenges. At the age of 52, this comes as a huge relief. I’ve had to deal with some grief following the assessment, becoming aware of how many years I had wasted feeling bad about myself and not understanding myself. But that has been healing too as I realise that I’ve been doing the best I can for myself all these years, and it can only get better from here.
Alexander - Canada
Jess - US
“I have seen the world and myself in a new light”
Brady - UK
“The assessment was like re-discovering myself with someone who could see me”
The assessment with Jen was like re-discovering myself with someone who could see me, articulate that which I couldn’t and validate it. The intense and ‘different’ parts of who I am have been kept in the peripheral and the assessment helped me bring them to the forefront with someone who has the authority and the compassion to say “I see you, and you’re okay”. Learning that there’s a reason for my sensitivities, and finally having a place or a label for the structures of my thoughts and reactions was like one giant exhale. Jen is kind, ridiculously smart and overall, a true badass. The assessment is an investment that I’d highly recommend to anyone with a subtle inner knowing that they’re different but who doesn’t have the tools or expertise to be able to pinpoint the how’s/what’s and why’s of it.
Rebecca - Australia
“It has made such a positive difference in my life!”
Thierry - France
“It has helped me realize that I have a right and a real need to express my exceptionally gifted self”
I worked with Jen in coaching for a while before daring to ask for a giftedness level assessment. I was really scared because I don’t want to feel like I’m “better” than anyone, but in coaching I was realizing that I was avoiding understanding myself by avoiding knowing about my gifted profile. So, we scheduled an assessment session, and it was life-changing. I realized that I am exceptionally gifted and highly empathic, and as a woman, sometimes those aspects of myself have worked in competition with each other. I want to be smart and move ahead at my speed, but I want to care for everyone and never make others suffer. Jen has helped me realize that I have a right and a real need to express my exceptionally gifted self, but that with self-awareness, I can also learn to do so in ways that does not hurt others. This is a huge revelation, and Jen and I are continuing to work on it in our coaching sessions. It’s hard to believe that, after 20 years of therapy, my life could change so much in just a half-year of knowing Jen! Thank you Jen.
Eve - Belgium
“My world turned upside down (in a good way) as a result”
Dave - Australia