15 Reminders to Help Rainforest Minds Make It through the ‘Holidaze’

By Paula Prober. How to keep our self-esteem and sanity high during this holiday season? Paula Prober gives her advice for making the best of this holiday for us sensitive souls. … Read More

Job, Career, Vocation: Making Your Gifts Thrive

Do your gifts thrive in your current job? In this article, Trent Rhodes shares his own personal journey to discovering how to make his gifts thrive at work. He also explores the difference between a job, a career, and a vocation, showing us how we can connect to our vocation while creatively mixing elements of job and career with it to form our own unique and rewarding gifted career path.… Read More

‘In-Sync’: The Power of Tribe – A Perspective on Giftedness

Gifted loneliness is a painful reaction to not getting our real human needs for understanding and connection met. It is a feeling of being out-of-sync with the world around us. In this beautiful essay, originally written for InterGifted’s Book Embracing the Gifted Quest, Lea Stublarec explores our need to feel ‘In-Sync’ as gifted people, and the many ways we can rekindle our connection to ourselves, to our fellow gifted human, and to all of humanity.… Read More

How Gifted People Can Reach Mastery: The Gifted Coaching Process

As a gifted person, what should you do with your life? How should you use your talents? How can you find your inner callings and attain excellence in your domains of interest? Answering these questions requires persistent work over time, and a commitment to pushing yourself past the limits of your natural intelligence. In this article, Jennifer Harvey Sallin shares the process she guides her gifted clients through, from reconnecting with their inner calling(s) to creatively blending their many domains of interest.… Read More

The Stages of Adult Giftedness Discovery

Learning you’re gifted as an adult can be quite overwhelming. In this article, Jennifer Harvey Sallin shares the seven stages gifted adults typically go through after discovering (or re-discovering) their giftedness, and how you can best navigate them toward self-acceptance, joy and a proactive creativity with your own unique gifted mind.… Read More

What If I Chose Excellence Over Perfection?

Excellence is a healthy version of perfectionism which allows your gifted idealism to serve as an inspiration for action, rather than to reign as a tyrant for whom nothing is ever good enough! In this personal story, Sandra de Riel shares how she discovered the difference between the two, and how she was able to overcome her gifted perfectionism once and for all!… Read More

Book Review: Gifted Workers: Hitting the Target

Looking at gifted people as “missiles”, Noks’ and Sieuwke’s book, Gifted Workers: Hitting the Target, points to our very powerful energy that, when aimed at the right target, can make a huge positive impact. However, when off-track, that same powerful energy can be a destructive force to both to ourselves and others. This is a book which helps gifted adults in the workplace to understand the potential and the dangers, and guides them forward toward making their most positive impact. Learn more in this book review by Jennifer Harvey Sallin.… Read More

Let There Be Complexity

For gifted people, complexity is normal. We view and understand issues from many perspectives, and gather and interpret information at various levels. But not only is it normal for us, we NEED it. Without complexity in our lives, our work can feels fragmented or superficial, and life can feel meaningless. Learn more about your need for complexity and how to fill it in this article by Willem Kuipers.… Read More

Book Review: Paula Prober’s Your Rainforest Mind

Paula Prober’s book, Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-being of Gifted Adults and Youth, opens up a world where change is possible for a gifted person who wants to positively impact their relationships, career, family, personal development, and self-esteem. Learn more about the book in this review by Jennifer Harvey Sallin.… Read More

High, Exceptional & Profound Giftedness

Relatively little that has been written about the unique experience and cognition of highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted people. In this article, InterGifted’s founding director Jennifer Harvey Sallin explores how high+ cognition is defined by meta-thinking and mind-matricing, and illustrates the particular internal and social experiences of the rarely found highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted minds.… Read More

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