

Welcome! Here you'll find ebooks written by our community, where we share our personal stories and holistic perspectives on what it's like to be a gifted adult. As so little is written for the gifted adult, we hope that our vulnerability, authenticity, humor, and complexity will speak to you wherever you are on your own gifted journey. All proceeds from the sales of our books go back into supporting the InterGifted Community!


Retrieving the Bones

Restoring & Re-Storying the Gifted Feminine

Retrieving the Bones is our Gifted Mindfulness Collective's second contemplative writing and art compilation. It is the result of a yearlong contemplative journey taken by 20 gifted women into the past to "retrieve the bones" – to bring back the voices of gifted women who came before us via ancestors, archetypal figures, myths and folktales; the voices that were silenced by the forces of power-over systems; the energies that have been excluded from conscious awareness preventing us from accessing the fullness of our feminine wisdom and our gifts. Through twenty-six expressions of story, art, image and poetry, you’ll find the voices of the insatiably curious who refuse to stop wondering, the incomparably complex, maidens rendered confused and alone, grandmothers – human, earthen and otherwise, the ones who suffer in silence, the ones who refuse to do what they’re told, misfits, multipotentialites, wild women, warriors and crones. Each offers a medicine for deep healing and a map to ancient knowing about gifted wholeness in a culture that thrives on mental intellect, productivity and achievement.

Gathered and edited by Kelly Pryde, Fabienne Wydler and Wren Schulte in 2024. Includes 26 entries from 20 contributors. 200 pages in PDF format. All proceeds go to supporting our Gifted Mindfulness Collective.
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25.00 USD

You can purchase this ebook directly at our Gifted Mindfulness Collective Bookshop

Beautiful work. Changing the game, culture, in the gifted field. Every story, every image, a step forwards beyond grey goals into the heart of experience, expression and connections weaving away imagined norms.
This book is for any gifted woman navigating her journey through time, through relationships past and present, and through her own gifted mind as it carries within it legacies from her ancestors and guides her to her own role in the collective becoming. Really, it's for gifted people of any gender, navigating their own complex relationship with the legacies of feminine wisdom (and oppression) that came before them, flow through them, and connect them to the world as it unfolds. It is a book for healing, creative agency, and deep reconnection.

These Gifts Are Sacred 

Exploring our Giftedness Through Contemplative Poetry & Art  

Sacredness is about wholeness. It is about value, worth, right, nurturance, gratitude, wonder, awe and reverence. For many gifted adults, we have lost touch with the sacredness of our gifts as they have been filtered through harmful cultural narratives and gifted traumas we have lived through. Remembering (re-membering) ourselves and our gifts in their sacredness requires a generous process of refocusing our attention and reclaiming our innate right to wholeness. In These Gifts Are Sacred, poets paired with artists in our community to create an anthology of illustrated poems exploring the sacredness of our gifted experience. This moving and deeply nourishing compilation invites you into the sacred space we've created, to re-member the wholeness of your gifted self together with us.

Compiled and edited by Jennifer Harvey Sallin, in 2022. It includes 36 contributors and 32 illustrated poems. 83 pages in PDF format. All proceeds go to supporting the InterGifted Community.

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25.00 CHF

To purchase this book, please send your payment of 25.00 CHF via our PayPal paylink ( with a note that you are purchasing These Gifts are Sacred and we will email you your pdf ebook within 2-3 business days. If you have any questions on your purchase, email us at

The whole Sacred Gifts compilation is brimming with complex layers of beauty woven through meaning and sentiments. It is an experience to immerse our whole selves in.
These Gifts are Sacred is a deeply important thread in the tapestry of the field of giftedness.


Contemplations & Creative Expressions of the Gifted Feminine 

Emergence is our Gifted Mindfulness Collective's first contemplative writing and art compilation. The culmination of a year-long labor of love, more than 35 entries are included here where gifted and twice-exceptional women give voice to the gifted feminine, re-story their lived experiences in patriarchal and normative structures, and begin reclaiming the parts of themselves that have been denied and exiled for too long. Essays, reflections, poetry, artwork and resources centered on the gifted feminine give rise to the rich, complex tapestry of themes on discovery and recovery, sensual and spiritual intelligence, gender, body wisdom, nature connections, relationships, leadership, and rewilding. Readers are invited into a portal of opportunities for their own contemplations and reclamations at a time when the feminine is deeply called on for our global and spiritual transformation.

Compiled and edited by Kelly Pryde and Kim Bielmann, in 2021. Includes 35+ entries from 24 contributors. 212 pages in PDF format. All proceeds go to supporting our Gifted Mindfulness Collective.
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22.00 USD

You can purchase this ebook directly at our Gifted Mindfulness Collective Bookshop

Emergence fills a crucial gap in literature about giftedness, and that is the embodied, intuitive, non-linear experiences of gifted women... Reading it is like having a sisterhood of complex, like-minded friends who are redefining what it means to be gifted by sharing vulnerably about their journeys.
Reading Emergence is a reminder of just how far we've come in legitimizing women's intelligence and how much further we can go, when we come together as a gifted community to give voice to what gifted women have to say. 

Gifts for an Emerging World

Creative Writing & Art Compilation

Gifts for an Emerging World explores the question of what it means to be gifted at a time of great global crisis and transformation. Through creative writing and art, members of our community express our deep connection to the Earth, the ways we grieve and grapple with how humanity is severing that connection, how we dream and sense an emerging healed world, and how with our many gifts we may help birth that emerging future. We explore these challenging questions and emotions through the lens of our gifts, the superpowers we bring to bear in this moment, the creative challenges we face and the deep and meaningful connections we form. Sometimes our gifts remain unseen and hidden, but as we face this transformation together, we have the chance to shine our gifted lights through the emerging cracks and make a positive impact. Join us in coming together and raising our voices to share that light.
Compiled and edited by Jan Provoost, Karin Eglinton & Jennifer Harvey Sallin, in 2020. It includes 26 contributors and 37 entries. 189 pages in PDF format. All proceeds go to supporting the InterGifted Community.

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25.00 CHF

To purchase this book, please send your payment of 25.00 CHF via our PayPal paylink ( with a note that you are purchasing Gifts for an Emerging World and we will email you your pdf ebook within 2-3 business days. If you have any questions on your purchase, email us at

Gifts for an Emerging World is such a beautiful exploration of the many levels on which gifted people experience themselves as part of nature, the earth, the universe.
While reading Gifted for an Emerging World, I felt comforted knowing that there are more people like me, experiencing a deep connection with trees and animals. Likeminded souls that are awake to the daunting reality that our well-being depends entirely on how “well” we treat our divine mother.

Making the Invisible Visible

Intersections of Chronic Illness, Disability & Giftedness

What happens when invisible disability, such as chronic illness or twice- or multi-exceptionalities, is added to a gifted person's life? Many gifted people live this experience every day, but there is little available literature exploring and validating what it's like to simultaneously live with the high ability of giftedness and challenges of navigating disabilities which are not immediately visible to the outside world. Making the Invisible Visible was our community's way of opening up a dialog about and raising public awareness about this issue; as well as providing mirroring, validation and comfort to our many gifted, invisibly disabled peers. It takes the reader on a journey through the stories and worlds of some of InterGifted's invisibly disabled community members through their words and their artworks. They share with us a moving, honest and hopeful view of what it's like and how they navigate the complex challenges of life at this intersection.

Compiled and edited by Karin Eglinton & Jennifer Harvey Sallin, in 2019. Includes 16 contributors and 20 entries. 81 pages in PDF format. All proceeds go to supporting the InterGifted Community.

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25.00 CHF

To purchase this book, please send your payment of 25.00 CHF via our PayPal paylink ( with a note that you are purchasing Making the Invisible Visible and we will email you your pdf ebook within 2-3 business days. If you have any questions on your purchase, email us at

Reading Making the Invisible Visible to me felt like I got a hug from a kindred spirit that felt so healing. A hug that gave me a sense of home-coming. All the pieces of my soul that had been scattered for such a long time, finally felt invited to come home again!
I was deeply moved by every single story shared in Making the Invisible Visible. And had many moments of recognition and mirroring. I have a feeling that, in putting words and images to their personal experiences, the contributors will have set off ripples of resonance. 

Being Me

Reflections on the Gifted Person's Path to Authenticity

Authentic self-expression can feel like an enigma to a gifted or twice-exceptional person. How and with whom to express what it's like to be one's gifted self most naturally? And what's it like to be a gifted or twice exceptional working toward authentic self-expression? What does the path feel and look like? We explored these questions in the InterGifted community, via a community writing and creative expression project aimed at giving our gifted and twice-exceptional members the opportunity to write, paint, draw or otherwise express what it's like to walk their own path toward authentic gifted expression. The result is a deeply moving, inspiring, diverse, entertaining, and thought-provoking visual journey through the lives of your gifted peers around the world.

Compiled and edited by Jennifer Harvey Sallin and Trent Rhodes, in 2018. Includes 30 contributors and and 32 entries. 127 pages in PDF format. All proceeds go to supporting the InterGifted Community.

Read the blog article by Silver Huang that inspired Being Me: Giftedness & Authenticity

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25.00 CHF

To purchase this book, please send your payment of 25.00 CHF via our PayPal paylink ( with a note that you are purchasing Being Me and we will email you your pdf ebook within 2-3 business days. If you have any questions on your purchase, email us at

The depth of Being Me is immeasurable. I am in awe of the authenticity, raw emotions, exhibited intensity, truth and humanistic nature captured. You have composed and orchestrated beautiful, heart-telling art-of-the-mind. My wish, for many around the world: to read, to embrace, to reflect and to share.

Being Me touched parts deep within me which I have never dared to speak. Each story, essay, poem, and artwork connected to aspects of my gifted life and experience that have been hiding away, and gave me courage to believe that maybe I too can share my giftedness freely with the world. Thank you to each and every author for your vulnerability and inspiration!


Embracing the Gifted Quest

A Gifted Writing Compilation

How do gifted adults describe their inner experience of giftedness? What would they tell a younger version of themselves about becoming a gifted grown up? We explored these questions in the InterGifted community, via a writing month during which our members poured out their hearts and wisdom in essays, letters, poems and other writings. You'll be moved and inspired, and will find meaningful insight into your own giftedness and/or the giftedness of your loved ones.

Compiled and edited by Jennifer Harvey Sallin and Trent Rhodes, in 2016. Includes 16 authors and 19 entries. 141 pages in PDF format. All proceeds go to supporting the InterGifted Community.

Read these essays from Embracing the Gifted Quest on our Blog:

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25.00 CHF

To purchase this book, please send your payment of 25.00 CHF via our PayPal paylink ( with a note that you are purchasing Embracing the Gifted Quest and we will email you your pdf ebook within 2-3 business days. If you have any questions on your purchase, email us at

I was more than touched by Embracing The Gifted Quest! What a truly amazing project. You have most certainly captured the essence of Giftedness! It's a priceless gift.
I cannot find the words to say how deeply Embracing the Gifted Quest moved me. I saw myself reflected in every story and cried tears of recognition and relief throughout!