Gifted Adults Storytelling Hour, with The G Word Film & Gifted and Growing — October 28, 2022


with The G Word Film and Gifted & Growing
October 28, 2022 at 6pm to 7pm CET

Since the beginning of time, storytelling has provided humankind with one of its deepest forms of communication, empowering us to transform, grow and heal. In this free interactive session led by InterGifted's founding director Jennifer Harvey Sallin, we're inviting gifted adults from around the world to come together to explore mindfulness and the joy of storytelling. Participants will first have an opportunity to share their stories of gifted mindfulness and joy together as a larger group, and then to join smaller breakout rooms for interactive sessions led by Jennifer, The G Word's director/producer Marc Smolowitz, and Gordon Smith of Gifted & Growing (counselor, coach, and Improv for Gifted Adults instructor).

To sign up, email The G Word, and please indicate at time of sign-up if you would like to be called upon to share a personal story of gifted mindfulness and joy with the group. Note that because of time constraints, we'll randomly select from a pool of participants who have indicated interest in sharing.

This session is offered as part of The G Word Film's Gifted / Talented / Neurodiverse Awareness Week, and is presented by InterGifted and The G Word and co-presented by Gifted & Growing. To get the full schedule of the G/T/N Awareness Week, go to the G/T/N page

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