“Working with Jen has been nothing short of a miracle for me”
Karin - Germany
“Jen gets to the ‘magic point’ in a way that is fast, congruent, and rings true”
Jen has it down to a fine art form. The quality of her mind-to-mind interactions is so brilliantly resonant and fluid that she gets to the ‘magic point’ in a way that is fast, congruent, and rings true. I have found her work effective because she embodies it as a living process.
Richard - US
“This is the first time in my life that my authentic self has been seen and understood”
This is the first time in my life that my authentic self has been seen and understood, and it is having a profound impact on my life. I am learning to stop censoring myself and to allow myself to grieve the years I’ve tried but not succeeded in finding understanding from my social circle. I spent so many self-destructive years trying to fix and change myself so that I could fit in, when now I can see that there was nothing wrong with me; I just needed space to be and explore myself as I am. I’m getting that space in gifted coaching, and discovering how much value I have just as I am. And while sometimes it’s scary and confronting, it is also profoundly liberating and affirming. If you’re thinking about the possibility of coaching with an InterGifted coach, don’t delay. You’ll thank yourself later!
Darren - UK
“Through their coaching, I have come to better understand how much there really is to live for”
The InterGifted coaches have been an amazing resource of support for me over the last year. When I found InterGifted, I was struggling with past trauma, and career and relational problems. Jen connected me with two of the coaches who specialize in healing from trauma and career and relationships, respectively. They have both been so supportive and helpful in guiding me toward a better understanding of myself and my past, and giving me more awareness of what kind of life I want to create for myself now and for my future. Every time I have needed them, they have be there for me, through in-person sessions and often by email. Through their coaching, I have come to better understand how my giftedness affected my trauma, how to take better care of myself, what my true values are, how to better communicate with my family, and how much there really is to live for. Thank you all so much!
Alyse - USA
” A couple of sessions has helped me more than years of traditional coaching and support”
People believe living with high intelligence ‘is great’ and ‘makes life easy’. They have no idea what an exceptional mind can be like in everyday interaction. Words cannot express what meeting my coach Jen has meant to me. Finally, my thoughts, feelings and abilities were allowed to exist. A couple of sessions has helped me more than years of traditional coaching and support. This is the first time I have met a person who can understand my mind and my abilities; explain needs and ways to work. It has been a huge help in my professional life. Jen is the first person who acknowledged just how different my mind is. If you are on the higher range of giftedness, I can highly recommend this service. I feel like an extremely rare, colorful bird finally released into its natural habitat.
Sara - Sweden
“I felt heard and supported and I knew I am not alone in my path finding myself”
Before I met Fabienne, I was not aware of many things. I hardly knew my gifted/very sensitive and neurodiverse side, which I kept ignoring out of habit, ignorance, insecurity. The work with Fabienne addressed exactly this part of my inner being, which remained hidden for a long time and needs support in ‘coming out’ and growing, building up self-esteem. This has strengthened me on many levels, especially because in Fabienne I found someone who could be a mirror to myself – to my needs, perceptions. I felt heard and supported and I knew, I am not alone in my path finding myself. I experience Fabienne as very dedicated, focused and listening, she understands very well from her own experience how complex and different one’s own perception can be and she has encouraged me to pursue this.
Janne - Germany
“It’s like having someone understand you without you having to explain anything to them”
When people ask me what it’s like working with Jen, I tell them it’s like having someone understand you without you having to explain anything to them. Jen seems to know and be able to articulate my complex thoughts, motivations and needs in a way no one ever has in my life; and because of this, I understand myself and can, in turn, communicate my inner world much more effectively than I could ever before. Working with Jen has helped me make it through an extreme positive disintegration, develop healthy relational boundaries, and hone in on a career path that, for the first time, makes sense for me and my unusual brain. In the midst of all of that, I was able to sort out and heal from patterns of intergenerational trauma that I hadn’t even known I was being affected by. All in all, Jen is an unusual human and I mean that in the best sense. Thank you Jen.
Sedona - Canada
“The way in which Jen communicates changed my disillusionment regarding helpful guidance into deep trust and utmost gratitude”
There have been quite a few therapists and coaches in my past, but most could at best offer only very fragmented help. Often the suggestions made by them were not appropriate for me and were less than helpful on my journey to discover who I am and why I struggle with being me so much. When I joined InterGifted, there was an instant chemistry with Jen that resulted in a couple of coaching sessions. Those were not the obligatory prefab meetings I had become accustomed to from the past. Jen engages in to the point and highly relevant discussions on high priority issues. Those issues were addressed in a way that completely suited me and helped me to continue my journey much richer in thought and armour. The way in which Jen communicates on an energetic level, being compassionate and driven and fully capable of viewing not just a fragment of me but holistically approaching triggering events, changed my disillusionment regarding helpful guidance into deep trust and utmost gratitude. The manner in which she provides suggestions and answers completely matches my lightening speed way of thinking and analyzing. She doesn’t beat around the bush but gives direct and straight in depth qualifications to issues I had previously not been able to wrap my head around. Jen offers knowledge from interesting literature and provides links that enable self-help, which is a way of learning I prefer. She is always available for opening up deeper cognitive and structurized solutions. Issues that seem to pose specific problems to highly gifted persons are no challenge for her and she will honestly and passionately provide insight in all these matters.
Charissa - The Netherlands
“The coaching has had a lasting and tangible effect”
Marc - USA
“I am reaching a level of self-acceptance and hope through coaching that I never thought was possible for me”
I’m twice-exceptional – gifted and autistic. I spent most of my life feeling ashamed of the way my mind worked and trying so hard to make it fit into the mould of what people expected of me. At the age of forty, I found InterGifted and started coaching with Jen. She understood me more in just a couple conversations than anyone had in my whole life, even my closest friends and family. In coaching with Jen, I finally understood that I am a meta-thinker, and that this makes my mental process very different than the norm (even more different than I already thought, considering my autism). I have known about my autism much longer than I have known about my giftedness, so now I have a lot of knowledge to integrate. But I feel very hopeful for the first time in a long time, as now I can evaluate my true potential and build upon it, rather than continuing to try to be something I’m not or fulfill others’ ideas of my potential. I am reaching a level of self-acceptance and hope through coaching that I never thought was possible for me. Thank you Jen!
H.W. - Australia
“Jen was the right light at the right time for me”
Jen was the right light at the right time for me. I had spent a good portion of my early adult life trying to figure myself out and how I fit into the world, and while I had made significant progress, there were missing pieces – the gifted pieces – that were keeping me stuck. Jen helped me fill in those missing pieces and ‘unlock the whole’ so that I could move forward. Without her coaching and guidance, there were aspects of myself I don’t think I would have ever embraced, let alone even recognized. Jen is an exceptional coach and human being, and should you ever have the opportunity to work with her, grab it with arms wide open!
Kelly - Canada
“From the moment I started working with Fabienne, I knew I had found a true mentor as it felt like coming home”
I am incredibly grateful for the guidance and support that Fabienne has provided me throughout my journey from initial giftedness coaching to mentoring over the course of a year. Her expertise and dedication have been instrumental in helping me prepare for and successfully launch my own coaching practice and being able to work with my first clients.
From the moment I started working with Fabienne, I knew I had found a true mentor as it felt like coming home. Her wealth of knowledge and experience in gifted coaching is unparalleled, and she consistently ensured that I received what I need in that moment. Fabienne’s passion for helping others develop shines through in every interaction, and her commitment to my personal and professional growth has been tremendous. As we transitioned into the mentoring phase, Fabienne’s support became even more tailored to my specific needs and aspirations. She guided me through the intricate process of setting up my coaching practice, sharing her own experiences with branding, marketing, client acquisition, and more. Her guidance is always rooted in a deep understanding of the gifted coaching industry.
During our sessions, Fabienne skillfully helped me uncover my strengths and values, clarify my goals, and develop a solid foundation for my practice. Fabienne’s ability to ask thought-provoking questions, challenge my assumptions, and help me identify my own thought & behavioral patterns led to breakthroughs in my understanding of myself and my clients.
What sets Fabienne apart is not only her exceptional expertise but also her genuine care for her mentee. She invests herself calmly and wholeheartedly in their success, consistently providing encouragement, support, and accountability. Fabienne’s nurturing yet challenging approach has allowed me to push my boundaries, overcome obstacles, and grow both personally and professionally. I wholeheartedly recommend Fabienne to anyone seeking a gifted mentor.
Eva - Switzerland
“I learned more in three coaching sessions than I did in years of sitting in therapy”
Mary Ann - USA
“Thank you very much for helping me discover my true self”
Thank you so much for your help in allowing me to understand my giftedness. I started the year not even knowing I was gifted but thanks to a chance encounter which led me to the InterGifted website I was able to receive some coaching and mentoring from the wonderful Jen who identified me as gifted in our first session. Thank you very much for helping me discover my true self, it has been a wonderful journey which I am looking forward to continuing.
Claire - UK
“I don’t have to slow down or explain everything – my coach just gets me”
I finally feel like I can go at my speed and I don’t have to slow down or explain everything – my coach just gets me. This is a game-changer for me!
Miriam - Australia
“I’ve made more progress in two sessions than I had in all my years of therapy!”
I was so relieved to discover that something like gifted coaching exists! I’ve had help from many other therapists and coaches over the years, with only partial results. Now for the first time in my life, I feel like someone understands me, and I’ve made more progress in two sessions than I had in all my years of therapy! Thank you so much.
Bridget - UK
“Gifted people need gifted coaches. There is no two ways about it.”
What can I say about Jennifer’s coaching work? I can’t even begin to find the words. As a profoundly gifted adult, I have found other consultants, counsellors and psychologists to be a poor fit for my rapidly evolving and fractally intense needs. Therefore, even though I actively sought mentoring for years, I never, ever, felt genuinely helped by any of the professionals I’d spoken to. I was always left sad and disappointed and just made do with what little I got. Most of the time, I would overwhelm them with the ways and means I’d already researched, applied and tackled.
With Jennifer, however, I realised that what I needed and craved all these decades was challenge. I needed a coach who could challenge me to push my comfort zones beyond what I was capable of on my own, without a professionally neutral third-party perspective. I needed a coach who was not only as driven as I am myself to constantly evolve, self-actualise and even self-transcend, but who also approaches those goals as a profoundly gifted person would. This made such a difference to my sense of self, identity and worth, when I realised that I wasn’t wrong all these years, I was simply working with the wrong people out of sheer ignorance.
Gifted people need gifted coaches. There is no two ways about it. We need a gifted coach who can not only match our speed, intensity and diversity but who is also trained and personally experienced with all the skills and toolsets required to achieve what we desire.
Jennifer is an extremely wise, compassionate and skillful coach who not only has the professional training and capacity but also a unique kindness and genuine curiosity that allows her to connect with her gifted clients as fellow human beings, and that is a quality is so rare to find in coaches and mentors these days. My sessions with Jennifer always leave me feeling seen and heard, appreciated and supported and most importantly of all, spiritually, psychologically and practically empowered to take the next right small step toward creating the life I desire and deserve as who I am.
Silver - Australia
“InterGifted Coaching has triggered a momentum of freedom and creative manifestation in all areas of my life!”
I do not know how it all happened, but InterGifted Coaching was pivotal in pointing out the obvious that was concealed within a lifelong swirl of complexities. My InterGifted Coach provided compassionate insight without shaming my brain. Together, we redirected my intensities to support only the most potent Actionables. The result? I took these elevated possibilities and ran! The simplified Actionables expanded in fabulous ways. InterGifted Coaching has triggered a momentum of freedom and creative manifestation in all areas of my life!
Olivia - Canada
“Being able to mix and match from the group of coaches has provided me with renewed hope and energy”
Thank you InterGifted for providing such a unique and well suited coaching setup for your target audience. Being able to mix and match from the group of coaches has in itself been inspiring and has provided me with renewed hope and energy. I have been searching for an appropriate coach for quite some time and had never found someone that I felt would understand all of the aspects that I wanted to discuss. When Jennifer offered the opportunity to meet with more than one coach, the profound relief of finding a solution better suited to my needs washed over me and filled my soul. Such a fantastic program of ‘custom plans’ being created for the coaching process goes a long way towards instilling a sense of being understood and anchors in the feeling of finding a community wherein I can express myself freely. With appreciation and gratitude to Jennifer and all involved with InterGifted.
Dorothy - Canada
“Had InterGifted coaching been available when I was young, it could have saved me from decades of personal struggle”
If you’re considering coaching but haven’t decided, my recommendation is to just do it. Yes you’re smart, and over time you could figure it out all on your own, but that’s just the point: your time is worth something – a lot more than what you will pay your coach. One coaching session with Jen was the equivalent of at least 2 months of reading, searching, journaling, pondering, and experimenting on my own. The fact is, a lot of what we need to know and do as gifted people is counterintuitive and differs greatly from what ‘normal’ people do. The typical common sense wisdom doesn’t work for us, not because we’re necessarily better, but because we see, think, and feel about things with much greater complexity than others. Having a coach who understands this and has spent years of study and effort figuring out what works is invaluable on your quest (for whatever it is you’re seeking – for me it was happiness and fulfillment). The great thing is, InterGifted is run by people who actually know what it’s like to have a complex or intense mind, and many of the coaches were drawn to this work precisely because they were once ‘coachees’ and saw first hand what coaching could do for them. Had InterGifted coaching been available when I was young, it could have saved me from decades of personal struggle. You owe it to yourself to see what it can do for you.
Joe - USA
“I have been searching for Jen’s kind of coaching for over ten years”
Ellen - US
“Knowing there are people who understand the gifted mind is a huge comfort”
I was so grateful to find the InterGifted site, after many years of struggling in isolation as a parent of a gifted teen. I reached out and received the support I needed to help myself as well as my son. The orienting session was useful for me as a starting point. It provided me with the clarity and perspective I needed in my situation and, most importantly, a plan for how to move forward. A plan and support felt like a massive relief like a light was shone in a dark tunnel of uncertainty, confusion and fear. It was something I was in desperate need of, and Fabienne provided the guidance to get started and continues to be a resource for me today. At a very vulnerable time, I put my trust in the process and appreciated the resources, suggestions and therapist options provided. The parent coaching I am receiving now has been long overdue and it has given me the channel through which I can vent, express my worries, feel understood, and discuss strategies to help me be the best mom I can to my amazing, intense child. Just knowing there are people who understand the gifted mind is a huge comfort and gives me the hope I need that we will all be OK.
P.N. - Canada
“I got in touch with what is most meaningful to me”
I came to coaching with a big need to find a meaningful career. I was certain that when somebody finally could see what was inside of “me”, they would request immediately that I use my gifts to help others in “important” ways, and would want to help me get on the right track for that. What I learned working with Fabienne is that any belt that feels too tight is not where I belong. And that I have a unique way of being of service that first and foremost supports my joy and my health. I used the material that came up in our sessions to think creatively and to get in touch with what is most meaningful to me, and came out the other side with a very clear idea of what that is. I took a huge step towards undoing the need to prove myself, because after realizing what works for me and brings me joy, I find myself not doing all the rest of things I had put in the way of myself.
Marta - US
“The best part: I can be myself and not hold back”
It has been very valuable to put some focus my intensities and how they can work for me and not against me. It is brilliant to have someone on the other side of the world cheering for me, believing in me and making sure that I progress and don’t get side-tracked. And the best part: I can be myself and not hold back.
Lena - Sweden
“I felt understood, challenged and supported to take my possibilities to the next level”
I have had two inspiring coaching sessions with Jen. I chose to be coached by her because of the click and her specific expertise. Being able to talk with someone with the same level and thinking speed as well as with the same humor, is important as a highly gifted individual. During the deep discussion we had about personality types, I felt understood, challenged and supported to take my possibilities to the next level. I got valuable information to help me understand how things work in my head, based on my personality type. Since talking with Jen, I understand better why I fare better in some situations than others, and where my focus should be. I am ready to explore different opportunities for myself work and study wise. Jen also helped me explore where my existential depression stems from and how to prevent or deal with it, when it arises again. Thank you Jen, for your great insights and support!
K. - USA