6-Week Immersive Course: Gifted Mindfulness Foundations – Registration Now Open


A 6-week Immersive Course for 10 Gifted Adults

Dear friends,

Do you struggle with non-stop thinking, intense emotions, and heightened sensitivity? Supporting and channeling the intensity + complexity of the gifted or twice-/multi-exceptional mind in constructive ways can be challenging, especially when our unique wiring has been misunderstood and unsupported. Gifted-specific mindfulness offers us a rich opportunity to develop a new relationship with our unique minds - and by extension, ourselves and the world around us - as we learn how to meet + support our experience in meaningful, sustainable ways.

This 6-week immersive program starting in late October has been carefully crafted over several years to weave together eastern wisdom, modern science, and gifted experience in ways that are relevant to the gifted journey. Each week, together with Kelly Pryde and a group of up to 10 of your gifted peers, we'll explore:

πŸƒmindfulness within the context of the gifted brain
πŸƒcore techniques for managing intensity + complexity
πŸƒtools for working skillfully with difficult feelings common to gifted people, including self-compassion and somatic experiencing
πŸƒhealing from gifted trauma
πŸƒusing mindfulness in everyday life as a gifted person - at home, work, and play

Between sessions, you'll have access to support + guidance via a private discussion group, guided meditations, and "office hours". At the end of the program, you will have a robust mindfulness toolkit for establishing your own practice + supporting your inner experience, a deeper relationship with your gifted self, as well as having had nourishing connection with gifted peers.

Early-bird registration is now open; save 50 USD when you register before Sept. 30. For complete details, visit: www.giftedmindfulness.com/coursesΒ and to register, email: connect@giftedmindfulness.com

β€œLife with gifted intensity is hard; suffering is optional.β€Β πŸƒ


Email Kelly to register or to schedule a free exploratory chat



Kelly is a neuropsychologist, coach and mentor specializing in giftedness and mindfulness-based approaches to living well with intensity. She lives in Canada and works with people of all ages to help them support their unique inner experience and thrive. Kelly is the founder of the Gifted Mindfulness Collective ― an InterGifted partner project.Β Feel free to get in touch with herΒ to schedule a session!

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