Gifted Multipotentialites Group with Marion Kee – Starting in November


With: InterGifted coach and mentor Marion Kee

When & Where: Starting end November, online

How often: once a month for 6 months (monthly schedule determined together with participants to accommodate everyone’s availability)

Spots available: 6

Session length: 2 hours per session

Cost: 150 USD per session


This course incorporates a reading-in-advance, and the sessions have a Q&A/group discussion focus based on that session's theme. All of our courses combine essential information and guidance, as well as the cultivation of inspiring and normalizing gifted peer interaction. The atmosphere is an engaging group of dedicated individuals excited to make progress in their lives. Attendance at all sessions is expected (aside from emergencies).

  • Understanding multipotentiality (looking at the research, resources on giftedness and creativity)
  • Envisioning and shaping a balanced and fulfilling life as a gifted multipotentialite
  • Career/job/school issues as a gifted multipotentialite; expectations, achievement and moving on
  • The challenges of multipotentiality in relationships and family life; communication and negotiation
  • Keeping a positive self-image in a world that doesn’t necessarily understand the gifted multipotential path and value; understanding our needs, honoring and accommodating the drive to develop
  • Next steps, practical considerations, planning for ongoing support, suggestions for further reading

The group may want to continue meeting for additional sessions following completion of the first 6 sessions, depending on the issues raised and cohesiveness of the group. This is a possibility to explore. One-on-one coaching sessions throughout the 6 months of the group are available with Marion, in order to accelerate individual progress, or work through particularly challenging “knots” that go beyond the capacity of the group sessions. Those sessions are charged at Marion’s usual coaching rate of 125 USD per hour.


Email us to sign up or schedule an exploratory chat with Marion!


About Marion Kee

Marion is a profoundly gifted multipotentialite who has worked in a variety of fields throughout her professional life including research computer science and teaching philosophy in academia - always with writing and music having a strong place in her life. As an InterGifted coach and mentor, she now supports other gifted youth and adults who are building or navigating their own creative careers and unique life mosaic. She is based in the US and works with clients all over the world.

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