This online workshop with InterGifted coach & community leader Karin Eglinton is an opportunity for gifted adults to take inventory of, legitimize and discover how to meet their gifted-specific needs. Most of us are not taught about what gifted-specific needs are, how we can recognize them, and what we can do to meet them adequately. An important part of the giftedness discovery and integration process is sorting through which of your needs are gifted-specific, how not getting them met in the past may have caused confusion or hurt, and how you can creatively and bravely heal and commit to meeting your gifted needs in the present and future.
Using Maslow's Extended Hierarchy of Needs as a framework, we look at gifted-specific survival, belonging, self-esteem, esthetic, cognitive, self-actualization & self-transcendence needs. You will have the opportunity to assess how those needs are (or are not) being met, which are most important to you at this time, and strategies and paths towards fulfillment. This is a participatory workshop which combines teaching, group exercises, and group sharing. The space of this workshop holds rich, thoughtful and insightful discussions that spark important insights and catalyze positive life changes.
Note: our workshops and courses are designed for gifted people who are passionately committed to their personal development and are in a safe and stable emotional and relational state. If you are currently struggling, we recommend first seeking individual therapeutic support. If you are unsure whether you are ready for this workshop, you can email Karin with your background and motivations for joining, and she will help you determine fit.
We will meet on zoom on December 19, 2021 from 5.30pm to 9pm CET (3.5 hours). The cost of the workshop is 225 euros. To express your interest in participating, email Karin with your background and motivations for joining.
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