With: InterGifted founder & coach Jennifer Harvey Sallin
When & Where: Psychologists' course already in session. Coaches' course starting March 14th. We meet on zoom.us
How often: Psychologists' course is once a month for 6 months; Coaches' course is once a month for 12 months (monthly schedule determined together with participants to accommodate everyone’s availability)
Style: This course is a blend between professional development and personal development (and in the case of the psychologists' group, supervision sessions). The style is peer-oriented and welcomes lively discussion.
Spots available: up to 8 spots per group (currently one spot available for the coaches' group)
Session length: 2 hours per live session, plus extensive homework and session prep required
Cost: 225 CHF per session
This course is for coaches or to-be coaches who would like to be well-equipped to serve their gifted clients, and who would benefit from an overview of the aspects of psychology most relevant to being prepared as a coach. Themes include (all gifted-specific) over 12 sessions:
- The Benefits of and Difference Between Coaching, Mentoring + Therapy for Gifted Individuals
- The Gifted Brain, Giftedness Identification & Levels, Twice-Exceptionality
- Psychopathology + Misdiagnosis
- Personality Development Models + Positive Disintegration
- Trauma, Gifted Trauma & Trauma Healing
- Family Dynamics, Relationships & Giftedness in Families
- Common Therapeutic Models + Therapeutic Dynamics with Gifted Clients
- Gifted Personal + Spiritual Development
- Gifted Career Development
- Positive Psychology + Promoting Mental Health
This course is for psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, counselors, or social workers who already have training in at-least basic psychology or a related field and would like to be well-equipped to serve their gifted clients in their practice. Themes include (all gifted-specific) over 6 sessions:
Recognizing giftedness in clients
- How to recognize and evaluate giftedness, giftedness levels, and unique giftedness profiles
- How to bring up and address giftedness with a client
- How to overcome resistance to the idea
- Resources for client self-discovery inside and outside of therapy
Most common problem areas for gifted clients
- Social troubles
- Lack of peers
- Lack of recognition
- Romantic relational troubles
- Trauma / Complex Trauma
- Twice-exceptionality, Misdiagnoses + most common gifted/psychopathology overlaps
- How to best guide and support + resources
Therapeutic dynamics with gifted clients
- How to fully engage with gifted clients
- How to handle the overexcitabilities and intensity in sessions
- How to handle differences in giftedness levels between psychologist and client
- How to have good boundaries and when to use self-disclosure with gifted clients
- How to work with client when the psychologist is triggered by his/her own gifted issues
- When to see breakdown as positive disintegration, and when to see it as "clinical"; how to best help in both cases
Therapeutic logistics
- How therapy, coaching and mentoring can all help a gifted client, and when each is appropriate
- Common therapeutic trajectories for clients and how to help them transition from therapy to other forms of support
- Client drop out and how to maintain engagement
Gifted personal & career development
- Common gifted career dilemmas and how to approach them
- Helpful resources for gifted career exploration
- Giftedness and creativity
- Giftedness and spirituality/religion
- Tools of positive psychology for gifted self-development
Understanding & working with special populations
- Children, teens & adults
- Elderly
- Prison populations
- Twice-exceptional clients
There is also an individual-study option for both of these courses which includes individualized mentoring for where you are in your practice. There is currently a waiting list for these sessions, but you can email Jen to express your interest and get on her wait list.
Here's what some of our course participants have said about Jen's courses:
"The GP101, as it is fondly known by its students, is jam-packed with content yet taught with the meta-perspective that all gifted people crave. It has been invaluable in preparing and training me as a new coach for the challenging yet amazing psychological intensities and complexities of working with gifted, twice- and multi-exceptional adults. Yet it was also highly transformative on a personal level as well, for as we all know, in order to execute one’s role as a coach well, one must also do the work on oneself and this course has definitely given me greater insight into not only my own development and processes, past and present, but also opens a window towards cultivating greater understanding and compassion for all of humanity, in all its diversity." -- Silver Huang, wwww.silverhuang.com
"My knowledge of giftedness, psychology and coaching has increased manifold – I now feel many times more competent and comfortable in my role as coach...And that was the professional side of things. For as it happens, during this past year of Psych 101, I seem to have undergone a complete, personal transformation. I’ve read some of the most life-transforming books I’ve ever read. The homework included some of the most important psychological work I’ve ever done – for me, personally. As friend, partner, parent. And just for how I wake up in the morning, welcome the day and what it brings, and then welcome the night when its time to sleep. I feel “upgraded”, if that makes sense. I’d do it all again, any day." --Miriam van der Valk, www.filoprax.com
Read more feedback on our workshops feedback page.
Email Jen to inquire about joining:
About Jennifer Harvey Sallin
Jennifer is the founder and director of InterGifted, and is a psychologist, coach and mentor who specializes in providing training and mentoring for gifted coaches and other helping professionals who support the gifted; in performing giftedness assessments; and in mentoring profoundly gifted adults. She writes extensively on giftedness and self-development and you can find her articles here on InterGifted’s blog and on her own blog at Rediscovering Yourself. She is based in Switzerland and works with gifted adults throughout the world. You can learn more about her here, and feel free to reach out!
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