Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists & Gifted Profiling Training
“A rare opportunity to study neurodiversity with a plethora of lenses”
Gifted Profiling and Gifted Psychology 101 were engaging and dynamic classes – a rare opportunity to study neurodiversity with a plethora of lenses and to tease through challenging cases with colleagues. I made friends in the class from around the world, who I am still in touch with and meet regularly! Jen is a flexible and open-minded teacher, leading the class in new directions that are intriguing, fun, and lend well to fruitful discussion. I recommend these classes, as well as the InterGifted writings and podcasts, to anyone working with or exploring giftedness!
Tanya - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“I found this course powerfully transformative on the personal, professional and existential levels”
I found this course powerfully transformative on the personal, professional and existential levels. It supports making deep connections within yourself while you practice deeper connection with the other course participants and in your gifted relationships outside the course. If you’ve ever wondered whether the “gifted trip” is really worth the effort of grappling authentically with understanding how giftedness has shaped your life experience, this course can show you how to engage with that process in ways that empower and benefit yourself and others. Highly recommended.
Marion - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“This course has provided me with a gifted lens that has completely changed my world view”
The Gifted Psychology 101 Course for Coaches has provided me with a gifted lens that has completely changed my world view and awareness of myself and others. It was a catalyst for my journey in discovering my authentic self. Each module was like a different layer of exploration and the diversity of my cohort group added richness to the immersive learning experience. The relevant guidance and coaching pointers related to each module rendered me confidence (in terms of breadth and depth) in pursuing my passion of nurturing gifted/2e persons to become human beings striving for the greater good.
Florence - Malaysia
Giftedness Profiling Training
“I got so much from the Gifted Profiling Training”
Kanan - UK
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“Loved every minute of learning, growing, sharing”
Sad and happy to have finished the Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches training with Jennifer Harvey Sallin! Loved every minute of learning, growing, sharing with and listening to fellow gifted coaches for a year-long journey into ourselves, each other and the gifted/2e way of experiencing, thinking and being in the world. I gained a lot of insights about myself, learnt various models and language which have already been useful in my work helping others to integrate and understand themselves better. I had thought about doing a psychology degree before I decided to train to be a coach, but felt drawn to taking action to help others over investing 3 years to learn more academically. I am so grateful Jennifer offered this course as it has given me a good understanding of psychology specifically related to giftedness, and neurodiversity too. I doubt a general psychology degree would have been tailored enough! There’s nothing like learning with people like you, to feel at home and understood.
Kanan - UK
Gifted Writers Masterclass
“I was given handy writing tools and confidence, and wonderful affermative feedback. I really, really enjoyed this!”
When I decided to become a writer and found my own business, I knew that I wanted to get advice and help with improving my writing and the trust in my skills. This person I was looking for had to be someone who could really help me – not just in teaching me how to write, but particularly someone who has the right interpersonal skills to help me take the next step. I found him: Jan is all this. He is not only an excellent writer and thinker himself, he is also deeply empathic and understanding. He really cares about people, and, I don’t know how he does it, but he helped me to express my voice through writing. Participating in Jan’s Writers Masterclass was like taking a warm bath. I was given handy writing tools and confidence as I had to share my (personal) work with ‘strangers’ who read my work and gave wonderful affirmative feedback. I really, really enjoyed this!
Eline - The Netherlands
Gifted Writers Masterclass
“It offered an open, safe and generous space. What you gave me is a treasure”
I knew that I wanted (and needed) to write regular blogs as part of the launching of my non-for-profit, and that my (web) page was remaining blank. I registered for Jan’s Gifted Writers Masterclass and found something more valuable than blog entries: I found the space in me who knows what to express and the voice in me that conveys it easily. I found my own resource – so natural to me that I had never considered it could be valuable. I am very grateful to Jan and to the rest of the group. They offered an open, safe and generous space where we could discuss writing techniques and readers’ impressions, but also deep fears and joyful progress. Thank you. What you gave me is a treasure. It is not yet fully blown and maybe not yet fully born, but I can feel and write it, which already means a lot.
Gabrielle - Switzerland
The Art of Gifted Leadership
“I took great strides forward in my ability to lead from my strengths”
The Art of Gifted Leadership Course was the right move at the right time for me; I’ve long been striving to be an effective leader and later in life, learned of my giftedness. Jen brings these things together with a deep understanding of how we grow as gifted adults and how that applies to leadership. Each module challenged me to think about leadership with a new lens, and it was apparent from the participants’ responses that each of us were able to apply the material specifically to our journey. Each module was packed with thoughtful resources and information about the aspect of leadership that we were discussing, allowing us to understand broadly and specifically the application of the resource. Each homework assignment was a deep dive into our individual work. Jen is insightful and nuanced as she reviews homework and gives feedback. Jen selects participants intentionally; the group provided a safe place to stretch and grow, as we needed. Lastly, responding to others’ homework expanded my view of leadership with new language and ideas. Sometimes leadership is a lonely journey. Exploring this together was empowering. I took great strides forward in my ability to lead from my strengths and become aware of when I wasn’t. Months later, I still revisit the work I did to strengthen my leadership. Jen’s thoughtful and intense work with each participant is invaluable.
Jennifer - US
Gifted Writers Masterclass
“It helped me so much…and in the end, I finally published my book”
Ralph - Switzerland
The Art of Gifted Leadership
“It is a transformational experience. I was able to find and am able to express the essence of my leadership energy into this world”
The Art of Gifted Leadership is a transformational experience. It’s hard to grasp and convey this point with enough emphasis. I know I didn’t expect the personal impact the course had on me. However, through the various modules and experiential homework and discussions, I found myself in a space of personal change of consciously chosen leadership development in our topsy-turvy world. Jen is an exemplary facilitator of this process through the materials and discussions. In the end, I was able to find and am able to express the essence of my leadership energy into this world.
John - US
The Art of Gifted Leadership
“I can’t recommend this course highly enough”
Deb - US
Lucinda - UK
Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists
“This course is critical to the movement in understanding gifted adult psychology”
Gifted psychology is not a familiar term in the psychology realm, never mind gifted adult psychology. Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course opened up an entirely new world of psychological experience for me as a provider and a 2/e autistic person regarding gifted adults and 2/e persons. Without this critical work that I can utilize I was missing an entire segment of the population through misunderstanding. Misunderstanding is ironically likely the underpinning of a gifted or 2/e adult’s existence. I highly recommend that professionals and others engage with the Gifted Psychology 101 course to benefit others from misunderstanding themselves in silence and including one’s self. The gifted and 2/e experience is unique, and this course is critical to the movement in understanding gifted adult psychology. It is not an understatement to say that this course has fundamentally changed how I practice with my clients for the better. I am ever indebted to the personal growth resulting from this course as a significant contributor to my personal 2/e integration. Without the frame of the course, I could not understand my experience within the existing body of work.
John - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists
“I draw upon the content of this course on a daily basis”
Completing the Gifted Psychology 101 course for psychologists was incredibly helpful in my work with clients and has enhanced my understanding of myself and my family. I draw upon the content of this course on a daily basis and it has become essential to my understanding of Giftedness.
Katy - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists
“It transformed the course of both my professional life and my personal life”
Gifted Psychology 101 is one of those experiences that I deliberated over committing to and now can’t imagine not having done. The training transformed the course of both my professional life and my personal life. Along the way I developed a deep understanding of what giftedness is and how my own gifted (and twice-exceptional) mind works, and I also gained a comprehensive knowledge of the history and current state of the entire coaching and therapy field. This has given me greater confidence in my place in that system and also access to a large reference network for referring clients where appropriate.
I was fascinated to learn about the specific challenges that giftedness and 2e bring across all life’s realms (relationships, career, personal and spiritual development, etc) as well as the ways gifted individuals experience trauma. I now have access to a vast resource bank of materials that I regularly refer to in my client work. The preparatory homework before each session was very useful, and Jennifer’s leadership and humour meant that sessions were always fun and engaging. Last but not least, it was a pleasure getting to know my fellow gifted coaches and therapists over the year we worked together and we’re looking forward to staying in touch.
Lucinda - UK
Gifted Multipotentialites Course
“It offered me the chance to expand my personal awareness of my own gifted/multipotential mind”
I’d like to express my appreciation for your offering of the Gifted Multipotentialites Course led by Marion Kee. It was an excellent program that offered me the chance to expand my personal awareness of my own gifted/multipotential mind and it provided excellent insight into coaching the gifted/multipotential client. This was all done through a series of informative readings, reflective writing exercises and the dynamic monthly group discussions…all of which were professionally facilitated by the kind, perceptive and highly attuned coach Marion. This was a safe space to share topics of sensitivity and to be able to grow in a like-minded/like-hearted environment. While Marion’s keen attention was a positive aspect of the program, I especially enjoyed the monthly meeting with the fellow cohort members. In our seven months together we developed positive relationships that were meaningful and that will hopefully continue going forward. Thank you again for a great program.
Amy - US
Giftedness Profiling Training
“It expanded and further contextualised my understanding of giftedness and was stimulating, engaging and fun”
I took the Giftedness Profiling Training course to complement the Gifted Psychology 101 course I’m also doing, and I’m so glad I did. The profiling training expanded and further contextualised my understanding of giftedness and was stimulating, engaging and fun. It occurred to me afterwards that these are the first group trainings I’ve done in which I’m never bored! The profiling course is structured in a way that allows for lots of hands-on practice, opportunities to ask questions and for interacting with gifted peers as well as getting to know and learn from the InterGifted team. Thank you!
Lucinda - UK
Giftedness Profiling Training
“It resulted in an evolutionary jump for my counseling and coaching practices”
Jen’s Giftedness Profiling Course immediately improved my work with clients. Learning in a community of peers was invaluable and inspiring (and fun!). I loved the opportunity to utilize a whole-person approach to helping clients understand their gifted consciousness. The perspective I gained from this training sharpened/broadened how I understand and communicate each clients’ experience of their giftedness. It resulted in an evolutionary jump for my counseling and coaching practices.
Gordon - US
Giftedness Profiling Training
“I would highly recommend the course for anyone who wants to learn how to see and support their clients through multiple lenses”
Jen’s Giftedness Profiling Training was a great next step for me following the Gifted Psychology 101 course. It built on what I had learnt in more tangible ways as we applied what we knew to specific case studies. This was so much fun and I have gone on to advanced profiling training following it. I would highly recommend the course for anyone who wants to learn how to see and support their clients through multiple lenses.
Sam - UK
Giftedness Profiling Training
“Having this framework allows me to provide more personalized therapy to my clients”
Jen’s Giftedness Profiling Training provided a good framework for helping both me and my clients conceptualize their areas of giftedness and how those impact the client’s life. Having this framework allows me to provide more personalized therapy to my clients and honor their unique giftedness profile in our work. Clients feel they understand themselves and their needs better. The training itself was structured well and I really enjoyed practicing the skills by creating a profile for one of my favorite authors!
Marissa - US
Gifted Autistic Women’s Group
“I have learned so much! I loved every session”
I embarked the Gifted Autistic Women’s Group with the idea to find out what I am not aware of yet, what else there is to learn and embrace for myself and to learn more about other women and how they experience being on the spectrum and how it is for them to learn about their autistic thinking, how they deal with resistance and embrace their gifts. And I have indeed learned so much! I loved every session.
Fabienne - Switzerland
Giftedness Profiling Training
“It deepened my understanding not only of myself, but of gifted psychology”
Jen’s Giftedness Profiling Training, through a stimulating combination of readings, lectures, questions and answers, case studies, interactions with other gifted people, and exercises, greatly clarified InterGifted’s model of giftedness and deepened my understanding not only of myself, but of gifted psychology and the wonderfully diverse gifted people I encounter and read about. Through this deeper understanding, I am a more effective worker, a better friend, and more responsible citizen. In addition, for practicing therapists, coaches, teachers, and tutors, it can set you on a course to better understand and even profile your clients or students.
Glen - US
Giftedness Profiling Training
“This was exactly what I needed for taking my coaching to the next level”
Elisabeth - Luxembourg
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“This course is expertly designed for the gifted”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course for coaches gave me everything I was looking for in terms of getting both conceptual and applied understanding in the foundations of gifted/neurodiverse psychology. As an autodidact and twice-exceptional individual, I’ve always struggled with the insularity and fragmentation found in traditional educational systems and design. Since this course is expertly designed for the gifted, by the gifted, I was easily able to create the necessary context and connect the dots on integral themes/concepts as well as the whole picture and its frame—what a gift! Jen orders the modules in such a way that they compound understanding, and the “self as subject” approach to the homework and practice gave me both a meta view and embodied response to the content as well. This led to a strong foundation and depth of understanding that I can now draw from in my own continued self-development work, as well as in practice with clients.
Rachel - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches/Psychologists
“It was profound, upfront, well-organized, and most of all, helpful in clarifying a sound approach to gifted clients”
I took the Gifted Psychology 101 course with Jen in individual study format, with mixed course content for coaches and psychologists – since I’m a psychologist who is now becoming a coach for gifted people. Jen did a fantastic job. Her training was profound, upfront, well-organized, and most of all, helpful in clarifying a sound approach to gifted clients. I appreciate the way she engaged my many questions and my verbal processing of her modules. I feel sincere and utter gratitude for the excellent training she provided me. Thank you Jen!
Cliff - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“It was an amazing year-long journey. It accompanied me during key steps of my own psychological and professional development”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course for coaches was an amazing year-long journey. The rich course content and the deep conversations we had monthly with the group accompanied me during key steps of my own psychological and professional development. What I appreciated the most is that we applied the psychological concepts and theories we were learning about to ourselves. By doing the work, we saw how essential it was to address one’s trauma in order to be able to guide someone else in the process. The monthly modules and homework always led to fascinating breakthroughs, stimulating exchanges and a much better understanding on how to accompany a gifted person towards self development. I was very lucky to be part of a group in which we were able to establish trust and safety and to have shared this journey with them. And of course a million thanks to Jen for guiding us in this adventure!
Cécile - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists
“Gifted Psychology 101 provides an invaluable service to the gifted community”
Having sought help from a PsyD during an existential crisis, I know full well the limitations of psychotherapy as it relates to the gifted mind. Traditional approaches that may quiet a mind with fewer complexities were physically painful to me and even grew my dark shadow in many instances. My experience is not uncommon, which is why Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 provides an invaluable service to the gifted community. Her unique background of having experienced the gifted struggles, along with a background in psychology, allows her to bridge the gap that can be ever-present in traditional therapeutic modalities. If you seek to help those in the gifted community, for which I laud you, Gifted Psychology 101 is essential for your toolbox. Not only for the insightful learning but for the stimulating interactions that will take place with Jen and your colleagues.
M.H. - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“I can’t recommend this course highly enough”
Cath - UK
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“I wish a lot my other education would have been like this”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 Course for Coaches was an extremely engaging, expansive, and fun experience for me. I wish a lot my other education would have been like this. The information is extremely well presented and I felt invited to dig deeper, reflect and explore, and will come back to the material for years to come. It is the equivalent of a book in the shelf of my mind that I keep coming back to remember fondly for all it has given me and keeps giving with every re-read. The discussions, questions from other participants, and insights along the way have helped me to gain a substantially deeper understanding of giftedness, of coaching, and of psychology in general, and specifically in relation to gifted people. My knowledge, relationship, and skill in regards to my own inner world have improved significantly, allowing me to hold much bigger, more supportive and joyful space to work with my clients, and a deeper understanding of my and their experience. I would honestly recommend this course to everyone whether it is for professional or personal interest ,or both. It is fascinating, and the mirroring from both Jennifer and the other participants is enriching, nourishing and healing.
Merlin - Germany
Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists
“I wholeheartedly recommend this course to any clinicians who work with gifted populations”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course provides a rich personal and professional experience. The material is well researched, well organized, and well written. As a Master’s Level Counselor and Coach for gifted adolescents, adults, and families, I found the course wholly applicable to my everyday work. In the United States, the professional focus on giftedness is largely centered in youth, education, and often in deficit language, and I was drawn to working with Jen because she provides a psychological, lifespan perspective and strengths-based vocabulary. The course also provided the opportunity to come into community with gifted practitioners from around the world. Classes were conveniently scheduled, and the value of the course far exceeded the cost. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to any clinicians who want to deepen and broaden their knowledge and to enrich their work with gifted populations.
Gordon - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“It was a gift to myself. I’ve never looked forward to — needed — a class like I did this one”
Ben - US
Gifted Writers Workshop
“I recommend this workshop for any gifted person who’s wanting to write”
In his Gifted Writers Workshop, Jan created and held an incredibly safe and supportive space for us writers to take the next step in our craft, no matter whether we were beginners or experienced writers, or whether we’d been struggling stuck with writer’s block for a few months or years. Almost like magic, his warm, gentle encouragement and challenge, together with savvy problem-solving suggestions, helped all of us participants move forward with our writing projects. Jan supported us in feeling like a community, so that we could open up with our peers about our creative struggles and ambitions, and feel encouraged by the exchange with other peers as much as by his writing coaching. I recommend this workshop for any gifted person who’s wanting to write, whether they’re just starting out, far along the path, or somewhere in between.
Karin - Germany
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“It has been a very compelling, insightful and transformative journey. This course has been invaluable for me”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 Course for Coaches was challenging, stimulating, enabling and fun! As a mum in a multi-exceptional family, her offer on one-on-one learning, her flexibility and matching pace made learning stress-free and enjoyable. Jennifer’s course is designed excellently; to travel through the twelve modules has been a very compelling, insightful and transformative journey. Besides being able to tap into Jen’s profound knowledge, I got access to great resources. It’s been a delight diving deep and traveling far with Jennifer, particularly due to her wonderful ability to create a learning environment that feels safe, enables trust and cultivates compassion. This course has been invaluable for me on a professional level as a coach as well as on a very personal level as a gifted, respectively twice-exceptional person.
Fabienne - Switzerland
Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists
“I love the course and feel that I’m still growing with the memory of it”
Jen is masterful at creating complexly pleasurable course modules that are rigorous for learning. The way she structured Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists was comprehensive and generative, leaving no stone unturned yet still opening up much space for discussion. The course text is worth going over many times, and I continue to benefit from it. During the live class there were ample opportunities for intellectual stimulation and social-emotional mirroring. I love the course and feel that I’m still growing with the memory of it.
L.Y. - US
Gifted Mindfulness Course
“Being in a group with other gifted persons has helped me tremendously”
Joining Kelly’s Gifted Mindfulness Course has been invaluable for me in learning how my gifted intensities are at work and how to work with them constructively. Channeling energy-overflow into new directions has indeed changed the direction I now give my life. Kelly’s non-judgmental, compassionate ways helped me alter how I see myself and my environment at work and home. Before, compassion had merely been a theoretical construct. Now that I’ve learned the embodied experience of compassion, I can relate to myself and the world in different ways. I truly recommend this course for every gifted individual who wishes to learn how to manage one’s intensities and complexities and how to skillfully channel them to become an advantage, rather than a hindrance. Being in a group with other gifted persons has helped me tremendously to adopt a regular practice. A forum for exchange and in-between coaching sessions that were included in the course formed a wonderful packet for me as a mindfulness-newbie struggling with step-by-step processes and sustainable practices. Kelly’s well-rounded offer helped me to solidly learn and safely experiment.
Fabienne - Switzerland
Gifted Mindfulness Course
“There is great comfort in learning with a group of people who share the gifted experience”
There is great comfort and power in learning and practicing with a group of people in the Gifted Mindfulness Course who, while very diverse, share the gifted experience with you. The need to filter or explain is removed, and you can focus on the practice and the healing it can offer. Kelly is the epitome of serenity, and she appeals to the intellect and the spirit. I have great faith in her guidance and highly recommend this experience as a worthy investment in your development.
Kim - US
Gifted Mindfulness Course
“It provides a truly warm and empowering space for developing self-compassion”
If you are a complex, intense, and sensitive person sometimes perplexed, frustrated, or overwhelmed by reactions and feelings that confound your most logical and/or pragmatic attempts to understand or change – then Kelly’s Mindfulness Course is definitely for you. Kelly’s combination of neuroscience with her grounding in personal experience, delivered with clarity and gentleness, provides a truly warm and empowering space for developing the self-compassion so sorely needed by people like us. The group dynamic allows for much needed mirroring that enriches and emboldens even the most reserved among us. It feels good to be known and to get to know ourselves more deeply around others who relate. So if you’re ready to take the positive expression of your giftedness to the next level, sign up for one of her Gifted Mindfulness Courses. You will thank yourself!
Anri W. - South Africa
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“This course provides deep and clear insight into how gifted people work”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 Course for coaches was such a wonderfully enlightening experience. Whether you are a coach in training or simply want to expand your knowledge of what it means to be gifted, I can’t recommend this course enough. Jennifer Harvey Sallin has created a masterpiece comprising of well structured modules which I found to be very engaging from the bare basics, to the meta-themed levels of gifted psychology. The group discussions provide a great opportunity to analyse how others integrate the courses content, allowing participants to benefit from multiple learning perspectives. I feel that the course provides a really clear indication of where you’re at in your current gifted process and an awareness of how to move forward. If you want to work with gifted people as a coach or mentor, this course provides deep and clear insight into how gifted people work which I feel is second to none and will certainly be of benefit to your journey.
Max - Australia
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“It has been an immersive, rigorous and highly enjoyable learning experience. I highly recommend it”
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches has been an immersive, rigorous and highly enjoyable learning experience. Jen has crafted a curriculum that is elegant, clearly structured, and comprehensive; providing in-depth understanding of the full spectrum of issues gifted coaching clients face. She brings the fullness of her expertise, humanity, humor and compassion to the table, and tailors each class to the needs and questions of the participants, making a point of offering practical insight for where each student is at – no matter where they may be on their journey to working with gifted clients. Additionally, the course fosters students’ self-development and honest personal reflection on their gifted experience. This created a level of depth through relevant personal exploration (and even healing) and Jen’s mirroring; as well as intimacy and camaraderie with fellow students. This course gave me the knowledge and tools I needed to start my gifted coaching practice and to support my clients from a whole-person perspective. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to do the same.
Karin - Germany
Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop
“It was so cool to be in a (virtual) room of people who I felt were on the same wavelength. It was exactly what I needed”
I loved Jen’s Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs workshop. The content was amazing and I took pages and pages of notes during the session. My mind was exploding! It was also so cool to be in a (virtual) room of people who I felt were on the same wavelength. It was honestly exactly what I needed I’m so so glad I attended.
B.Y. - Australia
Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop
“I got a lot out of it and got some much needed mirroring.”
Ellen - US
Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists
“It has given me an organised path to follow which has improved my competence”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course has been a double journey. I enrolled to gain professional knowledge and month after month I felt more comfortable and ready to offer support to gifted clients. Jennifer has given me an organised path to follow which has improved my competence and also helped to make order in the cluster of information I previously gained self-studying. The unexpected surprise has been the personal journey. As the weeks went by I noticed how the new learning and the homework tasks were positively affecting my self-affirmation journey.
Patrizia - South Africa
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“I completed the course feeling more enlightened as an individual, a future coach, and as a parent”
Gifted Psychology 101 was truly transformational! I signed up hoping to come out with a solid understanding of how the gifted mind works. I came out with this and so much more! Jen designed this course brilliantly, each module professionally and thoughtfully crafted and supplemented with recommendations of the most life-changing books and resources I’ve ever read. I am grateful that Jen adapted to my specific needs and offered a creative one-on-one learning option for me. This flexibility, combined with Jen’s compassion, knowledge and deep insight instilled in me a sense of safety, trust and freedom to express myself authentically. I was able to explore and integrate the course material at a depth, pace and level of complexity that matched my drive and learning style – so refreshing! I completed GP101 feeling more enlightened as an individual, a future coach, and as a parent. Thank you Jen!
Kelly - Canada
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“My knowledge of giftedness, psychology and coaching has increased manifold”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches offers an extensive and in-depth look at core components of practical psychology, highlights where and how giftedness changes the picture, and shows how it all relates to coaching. The course work also provides plenty of recommended reading for further studies on your own. My knowledge of giftedness, psychology and coaching has increased manifold – I now feel many times more competent and comfortable in my role as philosophical coach.
…And that was the professional side of things. For as it happens, during this past year of Gifted Psych 101, I seem to have undergone a complete, personal transformation. I’ve read some of the most life-transforming books I’ve ever read. The homework included some of the most important psychological work I’ve ever done – for me, personally. As friend, partner, parent. And just for how I wake up in the morning, welcome the day and what it brings, and then welcome the night when its time to sleep. I feel “upgraded”, if that makes sense. I’d do it all again, any day.
Miriam - Sweden
Gifted Psychology 101 for Coaches
“It’s jam-packed with content yet taught with the meta-perspective that all gifted people crave”
Jen’s Gifted Psychology 101 course is the psychology short course that I never even knew I needed and wanted. As a profoundly gifted individual who was not identified till her 30s, I always thought I was intellectually challenged but now I understand that it’s all in the course design and delivery. The GP101, as it is fondly known by its students, is jam-packed with content yet taught with the meta-perspective that all gifted people crave. GP101 has been invaluable in preparing and training me as a new coach for the challenging yet amazing psychological intensities and complexities of working with gifted, twice- and multi-exceptional adults. Yet it was also highly transformative on a personal level as well, for as we all know, in order to execute one’s role as a coach well, one must also do the work on oneself and this course has definitely given me greater insight into not only my own development and processes, past and present, but also opens a window towards cultivating greater understanding and
compassion for all of humanity, in all its diversity. Thank you Jen!
Silver - Australia
Gifted Mindfulness Course
“It was an absolute delight”
Taking the Mindfulness for Gifted People Course with Kelly was an absolute delight. She designed an interdisciplinary approach, from poetry, to neuroscience, to Buddhist psychology to allow us to enter step by step into this big concept that is mindfulness. Each session was accompanied by a practice, which allowed us to directly apply what we had learned conceptually on that day. Kelly was very open to discussing the topics with the participants and she even redesigned the last session to better fit our needs and to answer the questions that we had raised! She provided us with very useful tools to calm the much solicited limbic system of our gifted minds, and to reach a state of peace and compassion. It is only the beginning of the journey for me but taking this course Kelly allowed me to start! Thank you!
Cécile - USA
Gifted Mindfulness Course
“It is a huge relief to have self-development opportunities that are tailored for me!”
I just completed the Mindfulness for Gifted People Course with Kelly Pryde, and it was wonderful! I found it extremely helpful to be able to discuss in depth with gifted peers and to be heard by them. It helped me to realize how important it is for me to take the time to be with and understand myself as a gifted adult. It revived dormant aspects of myself that I now know need attention, and I feel better equipped to give that attention thanks to the tools I learned from Kelly. Thank you very much for offering this important work to gifted people. It is a huge relief to have self-development opportunities that are tailored for me!
E.V. - UK
Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop
“I feel less rushed, and more excited to be in this new process of becoming ‘who I am'”
I am very new to my giftedness discovery, and have been feeling a lot of pressure to integrate all this new knowledge immediately. Jen’s Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop helped me to get a bigger picture view of the work that is entailed in learning about my giftedness, and it helped me to slow down and realize that I have time to learn about myself, my unique needs, and all the nuances of how I operate differently from the norm. I also have time to explore how to best meet my needs, and I don’t have to strive for immediate perfection. Thanks to this workshop, I feel less rushed, and more excited to be in this new process of becoming “who I am”. Thank you Jen and InterGifted!
M.L. - Sweden
Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop
“It gave me important insights into how I organize my inner and outer world”
I can highly recommend Jen’s Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop. It gave me important insights into how I organize my inner and outer world, and how that is qualitatively different from many other individuals. It also helped me differentiate between relational needs, such as belonging and self-transcendence, differ from more structural needs, such as cognitive, aesthetic, and self-actualization needs; yet how they are yet ever-so-exquisitely intertwined and interdependent. What Jen shared, and the handouts she provided, will help me in my exploration of this topic for months, and I suspect, years to come. I’m excited to attend the follow-up workshop to get even more awareness around this important topic.
H.N. - Belgium
Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop
“I am brimming with insights and new-found clarity in so many dimensions of my life”
I just attended the Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs workshop and I am brimming with insights and new-found clarity in so many dimensions of my life. This workshop gave me such a glimpse into the many things I’ve not understood about myself and my inability to feel satisfied by “normal” life. Going through the common gifted needs together with Jen helped me to take stock of what I want to implement in my future in order to create a “non-normal” life that nourishes me and my unique “life requirements”. Many thanks Jen!
Robyn - Australia
Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop
“This has been a huge revelation for me!”
Among the many gifts I received from Jen’s Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop was the awareness that self-actualization or self-mastery is not a goal that everyone shares. I’ve spent my life in a total confusion, expecting other people to desire mastery at the level I desire it, and not understanding why they don’t take action in a way that promotes this goal in their lives. I learned from this workshop that my needs in that way (and in many other ways) are uncommon, but that there is a way for me to effectively validate what others need (or don’t need) as well as what I need, and not be constantly confused or pushing people to adhere to the same standards as me. I can fully embrace meeting my own (gifted) needs, while accepting that not everyone will share them. This has been a huge revelation for me!
Dana - USA
Gifted Writers Workshop
“I couldn’t be more grateful to Jen and our group for their support”
I joined Jen’s Writers Workshop to help me in preparation for the book I was planning to write. I had so many ideas and so many desires in writing my book that I felt confused about how to get all my thoughts in one place – and how to connect with an audience of readers that might not get how my unusual mind works. Not only has the workshop helped me focus my thoughts into a more linear format that works for my book, it has raised my self-esteem considerably. Interacting with the other (gifted) participants and peers has helped to validate my unusual mind and this, together with Jen’s impeccable guidance, has provided endless clues for how I can best express myself in my creative medium. My book is just at the half-way mark, and I couldn’t be more grateful to Jen and our group for their support.
C. - USA
Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop
“It created the catalyst to anchor in a new level of acceptance around being gifted”
Thank you so much for the Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop! The impact for me was quite profound. My impression was that meeting together and covering that material created the catalyst to anchor in a new level of acceptance around being gifted. I spent most of the time crying during that workshop as the emotional embodiment of that awareness washed over me.
Dorothy - Canada
Time Management Course for Gifted People
“I wish I had learnt this as a kid”
Jen’s Time Management Course for Gifted People broadened my horizons and has been incredibly useful. No, Jen won’t share one-size-fit-all solutions and ready made tips to be more efficient. Her approach is much deeper: she guides you so that you learn about your needs and preferences, so that you define what is the best way for YOU to spend your time in order to maximize energy and satisfaction. It’s about shaping our life so that it fits us, vs adjusting ourselves to a given life. I wish I had learnt this as a kid… Thanks Jen!
Gabrielle - Switzerland
Time Management Course for Gifted People
“I have changed a lot already and am excited to see where this continues to take me”
Jen’s Time Management course really changed things for me. The awareness I gained about how I used my time, and how that did or didn’t match up with my values and goals caused a major shift in my mindset. It went beyond simply being more productive, or working on creative pursuits, to focusing on creating a conscious construction of yourself. Feeling aligned with yourself is where the opportunity to create productivity comes in. It’s not necessarily about the goal itself, it is about about your values. I also needed someone to tell me that it’s okay to spend time dreaming. I’ve always been so ambitious, setting my life up before it is headed anywhere. When Jen emphasized the fact that I need to give myself the space to dream about the possibilities, that encouraged me to “breathe” a little more and made me even more excited to be where I am. I also thought about the people I choose to spend my time with; the time I spend alone doing things that I maybe didn’t see as productive before, but now understand their importance much more. I have changed a lot already and am excited to see where this continues to take me.
Chelsie - USA