Today we’ve published our newest community writing and art compilation! Gifts for an Emerging World explores the question of what it means to be gifted at a time of great global crisis and transformation. Through creative writing and art, we explore our deep connection to the Earth, the ways we grieve and grapple with how humanity is severing that connection, how we dream and sense an emerging healed world, and how with our many gifts we may help birth that emerging future. We explore these challenging questions and emotions through the lens of our gifts, the superpowers we bring to bear in this moment, the creative challenges we face and the deep and meaningful connections we form. Sometimes our gifts remain unseen and hidden, but as we face this transformation together, we have the chance to shine our gifted lights through the emerging cracks and make a positive impact. Join us in coming together and raising our voices to share that light.
This book was compiled and edited by Jan Provoost, Karin Eglinton & Jennifer Harvey Sallin. It includes 26 contributors and 37 entries. 189 pages in PDF format.
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