As we deal with the emotional overhead of all that's going on in our own lives and in our local and global context, many of us are navigating a sense of gifted burnout. Our gifted minds usually can't turn off seeing the bigger picture, problems and possible solutions; and our heightened emotional, creative, sensual or existential sensitivities increase the intensity of our awareness of the world and our desire to improve it. But our contexts are extremely complex and increasingly demanding -- mentally, emotionally and physically. Even for our gifted brains, it's a lot to handle all at once and many of us are finding it challenging to adapt, to find balance, and to know where to go from here. We need gifted-specific guidance and mirroring to help us make sense of our lives and where our gifted minds belong right now.
That's what we aim to provide in our upcoming Summer online discussion group facilitated by Marion Kee. We'll talk about practical mental, emotional, physical and existential self-care & gifted burnout recovery, while also exploring our gifted existential experience of witnessing humanity's current trajectory and needing to adapt and find our own unique path through it. Our discussions will support you in finding balance and meaning as a gifted person in the midst of navigating rapid change.
The discussion group will take place over three two-hour zoom sessions. Marion will provide some light reading/video on topics of self-care, burnout recovery, giftedness, balance, and existential awareness prior to each session. You will have an opportunity to do some journaling or writing in preparation for the session. During the live call, Marion will present about the session topic, then will facilitate a group discussion for an hour+ centered around your experiences with the topic and whatever related issues are coming up urgently for the members in the group. There will be a maximum of 12 participants, so you will have plenty of space for asking questions, sharing with your peers, and learning in turn from your fellow participants. Upon completion of the three sessions, if additional topics arise and the group is motivated, further group sessions can be scheduled.
Logistics, Cost & Registration
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