Leading in our Changing World, a course for Gifted Adults in Positions of Leadership, with Jennifer Harvey Sallin — starting December 2021


This combination personal and professional development course is a 6-month learning journey for gifted adults in positions of leadership who are wanting to consciously respond to the challenges of our changing world (climate, ecology, social, political, etc), both as individuals and as leaders. This online course is created and led by our founding director Jennifer Harvey Sallin. Along with her work founding and directing InterGifted, Jennifer is a psychologist, coach, trainer and mentor who specializes in supporting gifted adults and training gifted leaders. She brings two decades of experience in personal and professional development, leadership development, and professional training. In recent years, she has expanded her work to include leadership and leadership development in the climate and ecological domain. You can learn more about Jennifer's profile and work here.

Course Outline & Themes

Through modules, homework, and live group discussions once a month, participants are invited and guided to dive deep into their personal and leadership processes and identities, considering our current global social, political, environmental and systemic challenges; and considering participants' own giftedness profile, energies, values, and personal and professional needs. The course content as well as our group discussions serve to cultivate personal and collective insight, transformation, and emergent possibilities for holistic, authentic and sustainable leadership in our changing world. Specific module and discussion themes include:

  • how you can best cognitively and emotionally process what is happening in our changing world, as a gifted individual and as a leader
  • finding the most authentic and effective use of your resources, gifts and influence in leading, advocacy and change-making
  • navigating relational and leadership challenges in a polarized social and professional context
  • building resilience and overcoming obstacles during periods of sustained personal and professional challenge
  • leading through self-care, developing a personal and professional philosophy of conscious technology use, and (re)connecting with your true natures
  • gifted-specific challenges and solutions to courageous, wise, determined and balanced leadership and engagement in the world

Cost, Dates & Logistics

Our first session will take place on December 8th at 5pm CET on Zoom. Our first module will be sent out via email at least two weeks in advance. Live sessions will run for 2 hours, and homework preparation will take around 3-5 hours, depending on the module and how in-depth you want to go with each of them. Space is limited to 7 participants. The cost is 1,350 CHF per participant (225 CHF per session). We will schedule our remaining sessions based on participant availability.

This course will be run in a similar style to Jennifer Harvey Sallin's Gifted Psychology 101 course. To read about the experiences of past participants of this course, go to our course testimonials page.

Participation Requirements 

Requirements for this course are that you are in a position of leadership (professional, community, or other, such as coaching or advocacy); that you are in stable-to-thriving professional and personal situation; that you have done a fair amount of self-development work; and that you are ready to fully engage with your fellow gifted participants in exploring your challenges, opportunities and perspectives, including sharing personal and professional information and learning about fellow participants' lives and work.

To Join this Course

To express your interest in participation, email Jennifer with your personal and professional background, and your motivations for joining. If you are a good fit for the course, Jennifer will provide registration details.

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