New ebook published! Retrieving the Bones: Restoring & Re-Storying the Gifted Feminine

Retrieving the Bones is the result of a yearlong contemplative journey taken by 20 gifted women into the past to “retrieve the bones” – to bring back the voices of gifted women who came before us via ancestors, archetypal figures, myths and folktales; the voices that were silenced by the forces of power-over systems; the energies that have been excluded from conscious awareness preventing us from accessing the fullness of our feminine wisdom and our gifts.
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Gifted Autistic Women’s Group, with Fabienne Wydler — starting March 6, 2023

Our next online Gifted Autistic Women’s Peer Discussion Group, will be starting in March 2023. Join six of your gifted and autistic female peers for two hours online every month for six months to share, discuss and explore various themes related to life as a gifted and autistic woman – all with the aim of giving and receiving support and peer mirroring related to your life as a gifted/autistic woman, and exploring and experimenting with ways to thrive with your particular neurocognitive makeup. … Read More

Now Available — Emergence: Contemplations & Creative Expressions of the Gifted Feminine

‘Emergence’ is our Gifted Mindfulness Collective’s first contemplative writing and art compilation. The culmination of a year-long labor of love, more than 35 entries are included where gifted and twice-exceptional women give voice to the gifted feminine. Readers are invited into a portal of opportunities for their own contemplations and reclamations at a time when the feminine is deeply called on for our global and spiritual transformation.… Read More