Mindfulness on the Path of Gifted Development

Gifted challenges such as perfectionism, heightened sensitivity, relational struggles, asynchronous abilities, cognitive complexity and emotional intensity can all be addressed effectively via a dedicated practice of robust mindfulness. Kelly Pryde, founder of our Gifted Mindfulness Collective, shares how robust mindfulness offers us valuable opportunities to support ourselves and thrive as gifted adults.… Read More

Gifted Adults & Second Childhoods: Revisiting Essential Stages of Development

Growing up without knowing we’re gifted can be like growing up in a distorted mirror. For many gifted adults, learning about their giftedness brings them back to a “second childhood” in which they can rediscover themselves in more authentic ways. They can develop socially and personally in ways they weren’t able in their “first childhood”. In this article, InterGifted founder Jennifer Harvey Sallin explores how we can best navigate the essential developmental stages of our “second (gifted) childhood”. … Read More

Being Me: Reflections on the Gifted Person’s Path to Authenticity – a new ebook from InterGifted’s Community

Our second InterGifted community writing/expression compilation is here! Being Me: Reflections on the Gifted Person’s Path to Authenticity was just published. We thank all our members who contributed to this diverse and inspiring work of art. This book explores the seeming enigma of “gifted authentic self-expression”. How and with whom to express what it’s like to be one’s gifted self most naturally? And what’s it like to be a gifted … Read More

On Philosophical Coaching for Gifted People

Therapy can be very helpful for a gifted person who needs support to get back into a state of equilibrium during a difficult time or heal from past wounding. But there are other forms of support for gifted people who want to fully flourish and reach their potential in meaningful and joyful ways. In this article, Miriam van der Valk shares more about the differences between therapy, coaching and mentoring, and gives us insight into the ways her own particular brand of coaching – philosophical coaching – supports gifted people in their own emergent flourishing.… Read More

Giftedness and the Ecology of Relationships

Gifted people experience unique challenges in the field of relationships. Some of our challenges are internal and arise from the particular make-up of our intensities; others are external and result from a lack of knowledge of our special needs as a minority population. In this article, Karin Eglinton shares her story on how she learned to respond in constructive ways to both the internal and external relational challenges we gifted people face. 

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Gifted Psychology 101 – an online course for psychologists, therapists, counselors & social workers – Starting February 7th

This online course, starting on February 7th with Jennifer Harvey Sallin is for psychologists, therapists, counselors and social workers who want to learn how to better serve their gifted clients. … Read More

Gifted Psychology 101: A New Course for Coaches & Psychologists – Starting January 11th

Join us for our new course: Gifted Psychology 101 for coaches and psychologists. If you are you a coach or psychologist (or planning to become one), and you’d like to be well-equipped to serve gifted clients, Jennifer Harvey Sallin’s course will help prepare you for that goal!… Read More

Giftedness & Authenticity

In a neuromajority culture, being gifted or twice-exceptional provides a hundred opportunities every day for feeling like one’s authentic self isn’t “right”. It takes courage and hard work to find a way to bridge one’s authentic expression and inner sense of integrity with the external world in contexts that don’t match us well. In this article, Silver Huang shares her long journey toward that goal as a gifted and autistic person, and provides thoughts for you on how you can live authentically as a gifted or twice-exceptional person.… Read More

From Mind-Full to Mindful: Mindfulness for the Gifted – New Workshop with Dr. Kelly Pryde starting October 28th

As a gifted person, developing an ongoing practice of mindfulness can be a real challenge: your mind is often very busy with many simultaneous ideas, strong emotions and questions to answer. This course will give you gifted-specific support to help you build the foundation for developing a personal practice of mindfulness, as well as to provide you the tools to better handle your overexcitabilities, non-stop mind, and difficult emotions such … Read More

Reconcile, Strive for Virtue, and Pursue Wisdom! A Philosophical Inquiry into Giftedness

Some people have particularly excitable sensory and emotional systems, imagination, and intellect. They’re unusually intense, complex and driven, and often slightly at odds with themselves and the world around them. When it feels like this world is too much for you, and you’re too much for the world too – what do you do? Philosophical Counselor Miriam van der Valk helps us see how we can reconcile, strive for virtue, and pursue wisdom!
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