12 Meditations for the Earth

In the restoration of the planet, gifted people have a special role to fulfill. Via our project I Heart Earth, we are exploring ways to do help each of us reconnect to Nature, process our grief, find our voices and take collective action. In this article, you’ll find our first 12 meditations which include education for reawakening your connection with the Earth’s ecosystems and inspiration for taking action. … Read More

6-Week Immersive Course: Gifted Mindfulness Foundations – Registration Now Open

This 6-week immersive program starting in late October has been carefully crafted over several years to weave together eastern wisdom, modern science, and gifted experience in ways that are relevant to the gifted journey. Each week, together with Kelly Pryde and a group of 10 gifted peers, you’ll explore the neuroscience, practical tools, relevance and individual applications of mindfulness practices for your gifted mind and body. Join us!
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Meditation for Gifted Adults: A Primer Workshop – September 28th

Coming September 28th – A Meditation Primer Workshop for Gifted Adults Many gifted and twice-/multi-exceptional people are using meditation as a way of managing their overexcitabilities, getting to know their unique minds, and finding more wisdom, authenticity, and joy in the gifted experience. For beginners, however, the field of meditation and mindfulness can be quite confusing ― mindfulness has become a buzz-word used in a variety of ways; there’s a myriad of meditation … Read More

I Heart Earth: A Climate Psychology & Activism Project

I Heart Earth is a new global initiative that emerged out of the current climate crisis and our leadership’s and community’s commitment to lending our voices and resources to the restoration of the Earth. Join us for discussions, literature, events, meditations and a collective cultivation of compassion, gratitude, healing, solidarity, and commitment in the face of this emergency. … Read More

Mindfulness on the Path of Gifted Development

Gifted challenges such as perfectionism, heightened sensitivity, relational struggles, asynchronous abilities, cognitive complexity and emotional intensity can all be addressed effectively via a dedicated practice of robust mindfulness. Kelly Pryde, founder of our Gifted Mindfulness Collective, shares how robust mindfulness offers us valuable opportunities to support ourselves and thrive as gifted adults.… Read More