Welcoming Fabienne Wydler to our Assessments Team

Welcome Fabienne Wydler

We're excited to welcome Fabienne Wydler to our assessments team! Fabienne is a gifted coach, gifted mom of a gifted child, and now a giftedness assessor for adults. She is offering giftedness assessments and individual, family and parenting coaching for gifted & neurodivergent people and their families, in English and German, via InterGifted. You can learn more about Fabienne at her website, and in her own words here below:
"As a gifted adult, my excessive curiosity and drive to learn have led me into different professional fields and studies, including a Master’s Degree in International Journalism and two decades of working as a journalist and with international aid agencies in conflict and complex emergencies. When our son was born, life called for something else. Soon it became clear that he is differently wired and we began a hard journey of finding support, and advocating and dealing with the school environment. But synchronously, like a seed that had waited to grow, my own multi-exceptionality finally found space to emerge, be validated and nurtured.
My heartfelt passion now is to accompany and support others who are on that journey too. I embark on my second career with a formal education in crisis- and executive coaching, training as a coach and giftedness assessor with InterGifted, and a trauma-informed base in psychology. I am happy to now be able to assist other gifted, twice- or multi-exceptional individuals in their unique discovery-process. Additionally, I am passionate about supporting families like my own in the gifted and neurodivergent parenting journey. I currently live in Switzerland, near Zurich. My interests are neuro-psychology, ecology, anthrozoology, my multi-exceptional family and our animals."
To schedule coaching or an assessment with Fabienne, contact her directly or visit our assessments page & coaching page. During her practicum phase, Fabienne will be offering assessments at a reduced cost.

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