Retrieving the Bones: Restoring & Re-Storying the Gifted Feminine – a new writing and art compilation from our Gifted Mindfulness Collective
“This is a gifted female text – an expression of gifted women across time and place weaving threads of feminine wisdom that were lost, stolen or repressed; a conscious re-stitching into the fabric of the whole through the ordinary power of storytelling…”
Retrieving the Bones is the result of a yearlong contemplative journey taken by 20 gifted women into the past to “retrieve the bones” – to bring back the voices of gifted women who came before us via ancestors, archetypal figures, myths and folktales; the voices that were silenced by the forces of power-over systems; the energies that have been excluded from conscious awareness preventing us from accessing the fullness of our feminine wisdom and our gifts.
Through twenty-six expressions of story, art, image and poetry, you’ll find the voices of the insatiably curious who refuse to stop wondering, the incomparably complex, maidens rendered confused and alone, grandmothers – human, earthen and otherwise, the ones who suffer in silence, the ones who refuse to do what they’re told, misfits, multipotentialites, wild women, warriors and crones. Each offers a medicine for deep healing and a map to ancient knowing about gifted wholeness in a culture that thrives on mental intellect, productivity and achievement.
Titles include:
- Cassandra Speaks, by Lil Jedynak, PhD
- Ancestral Knowingness, by Katherine Peterson
- Slave and Master, by Jennifer Harvey Sallin, InterGifted Founding Director
- Pirkei Imahot: The Sayings of the Mothers, by Rabbi Lindsey Healey-Pollack
- Through Our Own Eyes: A Conversation with Medusa, by Anna Freimut
- Retrieving Their Promise: Gifted Women in Rural America, by Cynthia Edstrom
- The Crone and I: A Mid-Life Journey with Hekate, by Kelly Pryde, Gifted Mindfulness Collective Founder
This book is for any gifted woman navigating her journey through time, through relationships past and present, and through her own gifted mind as it carries within it legacies from her ancestors and guides her to her own role in the collective becoming. Really, it’s for gifted people of any gender, navigating their own complex relationship with the legacies of feminine wisdom (and oppression) that came before them, flow through them, and connect them to the world as it unfolds. It is a book for healing, creative agency, and deep reconnection.
Available now as an ebook (pdf format) in the Gifted Mindfulness Collective’s online shop
To purchase our previous community writing and art compilations, go to our InterGifted online bookshop
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