Giftedness & Authenticity

In a neuromajority culture, being gifted or twice-exceptional provides a hundred opportunities every day for feeling like one’s authentic self isn’t “right”. It takes courage and hard work to find a way to bridge one’s authentic expression and inner sense of integrity with the external world in contexts that don’t match us well. In this article, Silver Huang shares her long journey toward that goal as a gifted and autistic person, and provides thoughts for you on how you can live authentically as a gifted or twice-exceptional person.… Read More

From Mind-Full to Mindful: Mindfulness for the Gifted – New Workshop with Dr. Kelly Pryde starting October 28th

As a gifted person, developing an ongoing practice of mindfulness can be a real challenge: your mind is often very busy with many simultaneous ideas, strong emotions and questions to answer. This course will give you gifted-specific support to help you build the foundation for developing a personal practice of mindfulness, as well as to provide you the tools to better handle your overexcitabilities, non-stop mind, and difficult emotions such … Read More

Reconcile, Strive for Virtue, and Pursue Wisdom! A Philosophical Inquiry into Giftedness

Some people have particularly excitable sensory and emotional systems, imagination, and intellect. They’re unusually intense, complex and driven, and often slightly at odds with themselves and the world around them. When it feels like this world is too much for you, and you’re too much for the world too – what do you do? Philosophical Counselor Miriam van der Valk helps us see how we can reconcile, strive for virtue, and pursue wisdom!
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Energy Patterns: The Cornerstone of Self-Care and Potential-Realization for Gifted People

Gifted people want to learn and accomplish so much in life! However, without understanding how to best manage their energy, they often find themselves burning out. Jennifer Harvey Sallin shares how gifted people can better understand and manage their energy to increase productivity, creativity, self-care and self-esteem.… Read More

Metamorphosis in Love: Getting Ready to Love & Be Loved

Learning how to love and be loved as a gifted person sometimes takes a conscious effort to overcome negative self-views we have of our own quirky, intense or otherwise uncommon nature. In this very personal story, Sandra de Riel shares how she transformed her painful feelings of ‘gifted unworthiness’ to a certainty that she deserves to be loved – and how you can do the same.… Read More

Gifted Men (and Self-Acceptance)

Masking gifted sensitivity causes us to lose touch with ourselves, and we pay dearly for this disconnect. Our world becomes grey and drab; we feel an inner persistent, nagging angst; we are certain something essential is missing in our lives. In this article, InterGifted Coach Eric Windhorst shares both how the birth of his daughter catalyzed the re-emergence of his authentic sensitive self as a gifted man, and steps you can take toward rediscovering your own true gifted self.… Read More

Our Writing Month Compilation is Here! Embracing the Gifted Quest

You can purchase your copy on our new IG Bookshop! A big thank you to all our members who participated in the writing month! It was a wonderful experience.… Read More

15 Reminders to Help Rainforest Minds Make It through the ‘Holidaze’

By Paula Prober. How to keep our self-esteem and sanity high during this holiday season? Paula Prober gives her advice for making the best of this holiday for us sensitive souls. … Read More

‘In-Sync’: The Power of Tribe – A Perspective on Giftedness

Gifted loneliness is a painful reaction to not getting our real human needs for understanding and connection met. It is a feeling of being out-of-sync with the world around us. In this beautiful essay, originally written for InterGifted’s Book Embracing the Gifted Quest, Lea Stublarec explores our need to feel ‘In-Sync’ as gifted people, and the many ways we can rekindle our connection to ourselves, to our fellow gifted human, and to all of humanity.… Read More

How Gifted People Can Reach Mastery: The Gifted Coaching Process

As a gifted person, what should you do with your life? How should you use your talents? How can you find your inner callings and attain excellence in your domains of interest? Answering these questions requires persistent work over time, and a commitment to pushing yourself past the limits of your natural intelligence. In this article, Jennifer Harvey Sallin shares the process she guides her gifted clients through, from reconnecting with their inner calling(s) to creatively blending their many domains of interest.… Read More

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