News & Events

find our latest news, courses, workshops and other events below
and at our partner sites Gifted Mindfulness Collective and I Heart Earth.

Embodied Mindfulness for Gifted People – Course starting in June 2019

Toxic stress, trauma, unsupported intensities, and challenging upbringings can overwhelm our sensitive nervous systems as gifted people, leaving us feeling anxious, overly protective, and/or disconnected from our bodies. Supporting our intensities and being able to hold the fullness of our gifted selves requires (re)integrating and (re)sourcing both the gifted mind + body. This course, coming in June 2019, provides you with gifted-specific insights and practical tools for reconnecting your mind-body, dealing with toxic stress + trauma, and feeling more grounded, regulated, and confident to channel your gifted intensities in authentic ways. ​… Read More

Our Partner Project – The Gifted Mindfulness Collective – is LIVE!

Come join our new Partner Project – The Gifted Mindulfness Collective! We are now live, with a new home at! You can also follow us on our Facebook page & on Instagram at @giftedmindfulness. Join us on Saturday, January 12th at 5pm CET for our Open House via FB LIVE (meet us live at our Facebook page).… Read More

Legitimizing Your Gifted Needs Workshop with Jennifer Harvey Sallin

This workshop is about taking inventory of and legitimizing your gifted needs. Since gifted people are often told that their standards are too high and unrealistic by others who don’t understand that gifted people have uncommon needs, this may lead them to deny or judge their own needs and try to live without getting them met. In addition to the material presented, there’s an emphasis on interaction and learning through each other’s experiences. These sessions hold rich, thoughtful and insightful discussions with your gifted peers and have sparked major insights and life changes for many of our participants. … Read More

Gifted Writer’s Workshops with Jan Provoost

Our writer’s workshop is aimed at people who want to explore writing as a gifted individual. People who have a secret writing dream that has been gathering dust, and who’d like to develop their unique, gifted writing voice and touch readers in a truthful and authentic way. Each participant will embark on a writing adventure. Having a group of gifted peer writers who get you and how your unusual mind works, who give you inspiration and feedback, and who push you to meet deadlines is an invaluable part of the process.… Read More

Being Me: Reflections on the Gifted Person’s Path to Authenticity – a new ebook from InterGifted’s Community

Our second InterGifted community writing/expression compilation is here! Being Me: Reflections on the Gifted Person’s Path to Authenticity was just published. We thank all our members who contributed to this diverse and inspiring work of art. This book explores the seeming enigma of “gifted authentic self-expression”. How and with whom to express what it’s like to be one’s gifted self most naturally? And what’s it like to be a gifted … Read More

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