News & Events

find our latest news, courses, workshops and other events below
and at our partner sites Gifted Mindfulness Collective and I Heart Earth.

Giftedness Profiling Training, with Jennifer Harvey Sallin – starting September 28, 2020

Our founding director Jennifer Harvey Sallin is offering an introductory training for support professionals wanting to learn how to help gifted clients better understand their giftedness profile – including giftedness level, areas of intelligence, overexcitabilities, twice-exceptionalities, intersectionalities/trauma/other blocks to giftedness expression & thriving.… Read More

The Sustainable Self: Gifted Resilience, with Marion Kee — starting July 25th

As gifted people with an exceptional amount of natural mental resources to use, as well as intensity and drive to use them, we often find ourselves burning out when we fail to use our mind’s resources sustainably. During this time of world upheaval, uncertainty and opportunity for change, we have a unique window to (re)learn a different, more sustainable path. Join our upcoming online seminar series with Marion Kee us learn and develop sustainable practices for our minds and bodies.… Read More

Gifted Psychology 101 for Psychologists & Coaches – starting in 2020

We’re preparing for our 2020 offerings of Gifted Psychology 101. This is a training course for coaches, therapists, psychiatrists and other helping professionals who want to specialize in, or have better tools for, supporting gifted clients. It is a combination course which allows space for your own growth and reflection as a gifted person and gifted professional, while providing you with the theoretical knowledge, practical insight, case studies, and peer feedback to start your gifted-specific practice or bring your existing practice to a whole new level.… Read More

Community of Practice Pilot with Gifted Mindfulness Collective – Nov 2019-Feb 2020

The heart of this community will be weekly online gatherings where we will meditate together around monthly themes relevant to the gifted experience and engage in shared reflection and discussion. There will also be a moderated private discussion group where members can share reflections, questions, resources, etc with their gifted peers. Plus, we have many more opportunities included. The pilot will run from Nov 2019 to Feb 2020.… Read More

6-Week Immersive Course: Gifted Mindfulness Foundations – Registration Now Open

This 6-week immersive program starting in late October has been carefully crafted over several years to weave together eastern wisdom, modern science, and gifted experience in ways that are relevant to the gifted journey. Each week, together with Kelly Pryde and a group of 10 gifted peers, you’ll explore the neuroscience, practical tools, relevance and individual applications of mindfulness practices for your gifted mind and body. Join us!
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Meditation for Gifted Adults: A Primer Workshop – September 28th

Coming September 28th – A Meditation Primer Workshop for Gifted Adults Many gifted and twice-/multi-exceptional people are using meditation as a way of managing their overexcitabilities, getting to know their unique minds, and finding more wisdom, authenticity, and joy in the gifted experience. For beginners, however, the field of meditation and mindfulness can be quite confusing ― mindfulness has become a buzz-word used in a variety of ways; there’s a myriad of meditation … Read More

Our new ebook is here! Making the Invisible Visible

Our new ebook is now available for purchase! It takes the reader on a journey through the stories and worlds of some of InterGifted’s members who live at the intersection of giftedness and disability. Through their words and their artworks, they share with us a moving, honest and hopeful view of what it’s like and how they navigate the complex challenges of life at this intersection.… Read More

I Heart Earth: A Climate Psychology & Activism Project

I Heart Earth is a new global initiative that emerged out of the current climate crisis and our leadership’s and community’s commitment to lending our voices and resources to the restoration of the Earth. Join us for discussions, literature, events, meditations and a collective cultivation of compassion, gratitude, healing, solidarity, and commitment in the face of this emergency. … Read More

Gifted Multipotentialite Group Course with Marion Kee

This 6-month group course with Marion Kee addresses the challenges and opportunities that come with being a gifted multipotentialite. Having a fast mind, extreme curiosity, and lots of areas of skill and passion can be challenging in careers, school, relationships and even for self-image. This course explores these issues and tackles them one by one.… Read More

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